Jira (Server and Cloud)

Supported version: Server/ Datacenter from V7.7 up to V9.5 and Jira Cloud.

API Rate Limit: No Limit

Steps to generate Jira Cloud Token:

Create an API token from your Atlassian account:

  1. Log in to Refer.
  2. Click Create API token.
  3. From the dialogue that appears, enter a memorable and concise Label for your token and click Create.
  4. Click Copy to clipboard, then paste the token to your script, or elsewhere to save.

IMPORTANT: Please make sure your Jira (Server and Cloud) instance must be accessible from the Gathr Analytics Machine.

Supported Authentication:

  • Basic authentication

To configure Jira to use Basic authentication:

  1. Enter your Jira URL for example http://jira.klera.io
  2. Select “Create New Account” and add account name
  3. Enter your email Id as Username and Jira Cloud Token as Password(in case of Cloud Jira) and User Name and Password(in case of On Prem Jira).
  4. Click on “Save”

Token based Authentication

Steps to generate personal access token in Jira Server.

  1. In your Jira UI Select your profile picture at the top right of the screen, then choose Profile. Once you access your profile, select Personal Access Tokens in the left-hand menu.
  2. Select Create token.
  3. Give your new token a name.
  4. Click Create.

To configure Jira Server using Token based authentication:

  1. Enter your Jira URL for example http://jira.klera.io

  2. Select “Create New Account” and add user-friendly account name, for e.g. Jira Server Acccount.

  3. Check “Pass Parameter(s) in Header” and enter followings:

    • Key: “Authorization”
    • Value: Bearer
  4. Click on “Save”.

Jira Connector Operation Details:

S.No.Operation NameOperation TypeDescriptionDiscovery On Column NameBusiness Type
1ActorsContextGet all the Actors/Users of the Project and the Role.Project+Project Role(Formula Column having JIRAPROJECTROLE Business Type). We can get value for Project Role from Administrators column in Roles Dataset.JIRAPROJECTNAME,JIRAPROJECTROLE
2Add Affect VersionWritebackAdd the Affect Version on the Issue key.Right click on container3
9AllContextGet all the Issues of the User(s).Project Lead,Assignee,Creator,ReporterJIRAUSERDISPLAYNAME
10AllContextGet all the issues of all the release(s).ReleaseJIRARELEASENAME
11AllGet all the issues of the Jira user(s).Project Lead,Assignee,Creator,ReporterJIRAUSERDISPLAYNAME
12Application DetailsFloorGet the details related to the Application (required JIRA admin permission).13
14AttachmentsContextGet all the Attachments of the issue key(s).KeyJIRAISSUEKEY
15AuditFloorGet all the Audits (required JIRA admin permission).16
17Burndown ChartContextGet the Burndown Chart Details of the Boards and the Sprints.Origin Board Id+ SprintJIRAORIGINBOARDID,JIRASPRINTNAME
18Child IssuesContextGet all the Child Issues of the Parent Issue(s).KeyJIRAISSUEKEY
19CommentsContextGet the comments of the issue.KeyJIRAISSUEKEY
20Completed IssuesContextGet the details about the Completed Issues.Origin Board Id+ SprintJIRAORIGINBOARDID,JIRASPRINTNAME
21ComponentsContextGet a list of components of project(s).ProjectJIRAPROJECTNAME
22ComponentsFloorSearch for issues in Components Based on IssueType, Status and Time Frame.23
30DetailsContextGet the details of the release(s).ReleaseJIRARELEASENAME
31Execute as JQLContextSearch the text as JQL in JiraFormula Column having the required JQL and assigning it Business Type JIRAJQLJIRAJQL
32Execute Text as JQLContextExecute the text as a JQL in Jira.Formula Column having the required JQL33
36Group UsersContextGet all the Users of the Group(s).Actor/Group Name37
38Issue TypesContextGet all the IssueTypes of the Project(s).ProjectJIRAPROJECTNAME
39IssuesContextGet all the Issues of the Component(s).ComponentJIRACOMPONENTNAME
40IssuesContextGet all the issues of the project(s).ProjectJIRAPROJECTNAME
41IssuesContextGet all the Issues of the Sprint(s).SprintJIRASPRINTNAME
42IssuesContextGet all the Jira issues of the selected Git user.Formula Column having the required GitLab user and assigning it Business Type GITHUBUSERGITHUBUSER
43IssuesContextGet all the Jira issues of the selected Git user.Formula Column having the required GitLab user and assigning it Business Type GITLABUSERDISPLAYNAMEGITLABUSERDISPLAYNAME
44JQLFloorPerform search in Jira using JQL.45
46MyFloorGet the user owned Filters.47
48ProjectsFloorSearch for Issues in Projects Based on IssueType, Status and Time Frame.49
50ReleasesContextGet a list of versions of project(s).ProjectJIRAPROJECTNAME
51ReleasesFloorSearch for issues in versions based on IssueType, Status and Time Frame.52
53RolesContextGet all the Roles of the Project(s) in multiple DSTs.ProjectJIRAPROJECTNAME
54RolesContextGet all the Roles of the Project(s) in single DST.ProjectJIRAPROJECTNAME
55SprintsContextGet a llist of sprints of board(s).BoardJIRABOARDNAME
56Sprints SummaryContextGet the Sprints Summary.Origin Board Id+ SprintJIRAORIGINBOARDID,JIRASPRINTNAME
57StatusesContextGet all the Statuses of the Project(s).ProjectJIRAPROJECTNAME
58Sub IssuesContextGet the Sub Issues of the epic(s).KeyJIRAISSUEKEY
59Sub TaskContextGet the Issue’s sub-taskKeyJIRAISSUEKEY
60TextFloorText to search61
66Velocity ChartContextGet the velocity chart of the board(s).BoardJIRABOARDNAME
67Velocity Chart Additional DetailsContextAdditional details of velocity chartBoardJIRABOARDNAME
68View all boardsFloorView all the boards.69