Wolken Connector

Supported version: Cloud (Latest)

API Rate Limit: None

Supported Authentication: Custom authentication

IMPORTANT: Please make sure your Wolken instance must be accessible from the Gathr Analytics Machine.

To configure Wolken using Custom authentication, follow the steps below:-

  1. Enter your Wolken URL, for example: https://api.klerawolkentest.com

  2. Select “Create New Account” and add a user-friendly name for account for e.g. Wolken Connection Account.

  3. Select “Method Type” as “POST”.

  4. Enter “Validation End Point” as ‘https://<Your_Wolken_Url>/wolken-secure/oauth/token’. For e.g. https://api.klerawolkentest.com/wolken-secure/oauth/token

  1. In “End Point Header Parameters” Enter:

    • Key: Authorization
    • Value: Basic
  2. In “End Point Body Parameters”, click on ‘+’ icon to add one more parameter, then Enter:

    • Key: grant_type

    • Value: refresh_token

    • Key: refresh_token

    • Value:

  3. In “Select Credentials From” select “Response Key”.

  4. In “Parameter Key Name In Response” enter value as “access_token”.

  5. In “Operation’s Request Header Parameter” select “Authorization with Bearer Prefix”.

  6. In “Expiration Time” select “Read Expiration Time From Response”.

  7. In “Response Parameter key name containing expiration time” enter value as “expires_in”.

  8. In “Expiration time parameter value’s unit or format” select “Seconds”.

  9. Click on “Save”.
