ADLS Connection

ADLS, or Azure Data Lake Storage, is a scalable and secure data lake solution in Microsoft Azure designed for big data analytics and storage needs.

Connection Configuration

Configure the fields required to create the connection as explained below.

Connection Name

Name of the connection to be created.

Account Name

Provide the ADLS account name. The account name is a unique identifier for your storage resource.

Authentication Type

Select Authentication Type.

Azure AD: Select this option if you want a secure access to your ADLS account using Azure Active Directory.

If Azure AD is selected, additional parameters will appear:

Client ID

The Client ID is a unique identifier for your Azure Databricks application registration. It’s used to authenticate your application when interacting with Azure services. Provide a valid Client ID.

Client Secret

The Client Secret is a confidential key associated with your Azure Databricks application. It provides secure authentication and access to resources. You can generate this secret in the Azure portal within your registered application’s settings. Provide a valid client secret password.

Directory ID

The Directory ID identifies the Azure Active Directory tenant where your Azure Databricks workspace is located. It ensures that authentication requests are directed to the correct Azure AD tenant. Provide a valid Directory ID.

Access Key: Select this authentication type when yoy require a shared access key for your ADLS account. It grants broader access and should be kept secure.

If Access Key is selected, additional parameter will appear:

Account Key

The Account Key is used to authenticate and access Azure Data Lake Storage. It provides full access to your resource. You can find your Account Key in the Azure portal within your storage account settings. Provide a valid storage account key.

Add Configuration: Additional properties can be added using this option as key-value pairs.

After entering all the details, click on the TEST button.

If the connection service identification and authentication details are provided correctly, a success message stating “connection available” is generated.

Click on the CREATE button to save the changes.

If the details are incorrect or the server is down, you will get a message “Connection unavailable”.
