Authorize.Net Data Model is a service provider for payment gateways that enables merchants to accept credit card and electronic check payments through their website and via an Internet Protocol connection. Views

Views are similar to tables in the way that data is represented; however, views are read-only.

Queries can be executed against a view as if it were a normal table.


Query BatchStatistics for an merchant account.

The BatchId is the only available supported column in the WHERE clause and it is required to retrieve results from BatchStatistics. BatchId can be used with (=) or IN operator.

SELECT * FROM BatchStatistics WHERE BatchId = '236274'

SELECT * FROM BatchStatistics WHERE BatchId IN ('236274', '237832')


BatchId [KEY]StringThe unique batch Id.
AccountType [KEY]StringThe card type for this transaction (including eCheck). Valid values are Visa, MasterCard, AmericanExpress, Discover, JCB, DinersClub, and eCheck. Note a batch will contain either credit card or eCheck statistics, because eCheck transactions go in their own batch.

The allowed values are Visa, MasterCard, AmericanExpress, Discover, JCB, DinersClub, eCheck.
SettlementTimeDatetimeDate and time the batch was settled.
SettlementStateStringThe status of the batch. Valid values are settledSuccessfully or error.

The allowed values are settledSuccessfully, error.
PaymentMethodStringThe payment method associated with the batch. Valid values are creditCard or eCheck.

The allowed values are creditCard, eCheck.
MarketTypeStringThe market type associated with the batch. Valid values are 0 (eCommerce), 1 (MOTO), or 2 (Retail).
ProductStringThe product associated with the batch. Valid values are Card Not Present or Card Present.

The allowed values are Card Not Present, Card Present.
ReturnedItemAmountDecimalThe total amount of all returned items. Only applicable for eCheck transactions.
ReturnedItemCountIntegerThe total count of all returned items. Only applicable for eCheck transactions.
ChargeBackAmountDecimalThe total amount of all charge backs. Only applicable for credit card transactions.
ChargeBackCountIntegerThe total count of all charge backs. Only applicable for credit card transactions.
CorrectionNoticeCountIntegerThe total count of all correction notices. Only applicable for credit card transactions.
ChargeChargeBackAmountDecimalOnly applicable for credit card transactions.
ChargeChargeBackCountIntegerOnly applicable for credit card transactions.
BatchStatisticsAmountDecimalThe total amount of all transactions as returned in the response of a getBatchStatistics call. Only applicable for credit card transactions.
BatchStatisticsCountIntegerThe total count of all transactions as returned in the response of a getBatchStatistics call. Only applicable for credit card transactions.
ChargeReturnedItemsAmountDecimalThe total amount of returned items purchased using credit cards.
ChargeReturnedItemsCountIntegerThe total count of returned items purchased using credit cards.
RefundReturnedItemsAmountDecimalThe total amount of returned items that have been refunded.
RefundReturnedItemsCountIntegerThe total count of returned items that have been refunded.
ChargeAmountDecimalThe total amount of all charge (i.e., Sale) transactions.
ChargeCountIntegerThe total count of all charge transactions.
RefundAmountDecimalThe total amount of all refund transactions.
RefundCountIntegerThe total count of all refund transactions.
VoidCountIntegerThe total count of all voided transactions.
DeclineCountIntegerThe total count of all declined transactions.
ErrorCountIntegerThe total count of all transactions that resulted in an error.


Query Customer Profile Details for merchant account.

The CustomerProfileId is the only available supported column in the WHERE clause and it is required to retrieve results from CustomerProfileDetails. CustomerProfileId can be used with (=) or IN operator.

SELECT * FROM CustomerProfileDetails WHERE CustomerProfileId = '1915622429'

SELECT * FROM CustomerProfileDetails WHERE CustomerProfileId IN ('1915622429', '3215422449')


MerchantCustomerIdStringMerchant-assigned customer reference ID. Must be unique among all of the customer IDs stored with profiles to be able to retrieve.
CustomerProfileId [KEY]StringPayment gateway-assigned ID associated with the customer profile.This output is present only for successful requests.
EmailStringEmail address associated with the customer profile.
DescriptionStringDescription of the customer or customer profile. Required only when no values for merchantCustomerId and email are submitted.
FirstNameStringFirst name associated with customer’s billing address.
LastNameStringLast name associated with customer’s billing address.
CompanyStringCompany associated with customer’s billing address.
AddressStringCustomer’s billing address.
CityStringCity of customer’s billing address.
StateStringState of customer’s billing address.
ZipStringThe postal code of customer’s billing address.
CountryStringCountry of customer’s billing address.
PhoneNumberStringPhone number associated with customer’s billing address.
FaxNumberStringFax number associated with customer’s billing address.
DefaultPaymentProfileBooleanIndicates whether this profile is the default.If a customer profile does not have a default payment profile, then the defaultPaymentProfile element is not displayed in the getCustomerProfileResponse.If a profile has multiple payment profiles, the default profile returns defaultPaymentProfile set to true. Non-default profiles do not return defaultPaymentProfile.
CustomerPaymentProfileIdStringPayment gateway assigned ID associated with the customer payment profile.
CardNumberStringThe customer’s masked credit card number. All sensitive payment information in the output is masked.
ExpirationDateStringThe expiration date for the customer’s credit card.
CardTypeStringType of credit card. Possible values: Visa, Mastercard, AmericanExpress, Discover, JCB, or DinersClub.
IssuerNumberStringUnique identifier (IIN) for the issuer of the card. This element is only returned if you set the includeIssuerInfo field to true in the request.
IsPaymentTokenBooleanIndicates whether the payment method used an encrypted token.
AccountTypeStringThe type of bank account used for the transaction. Possible values: checking, savings, or businessChecking.
RoutingNumberStringThe ABA routing number.
AccountNumberStringThe bank account number.
NameOnAccountStringName of the person who holds the bank account.
EcheckTypeStringThe type of eCheck transaction. Do not use TEL, ARC, or BOC for recurring charges. Possible values:PPD, WEB, or CCD.
BankNameStringThe name of the bank.


Query Customer Profile IDs for merchant account.


CustomerProfileIdStringThe ID number associated with a customer profile.


Query Transactions in a batch for an merchant account.

The CustomerProfileId is the only available supported column in the WHERE clause and it is required to retrieve results from CustomerProfileTransactionList. CustomerProfileId can be used with the (=) or IN operator.

SELECT * FROM TransactionList WHERE CustomerProfileId = '1915622429'

SELECT * FROM TransactionList WHERE CustomerProfileId IN ('1915622429', '3543535')


TransId [KEY]StringThe unique transaction Id.
SubmitTimeDatetimeDate and time the transaction was submitted.
SettlementTimeLocalDatetimeDate and time the transaction was submitted in local format: YYYY-MM-DDTHH:MM:SS.mmm
TransactionStatusStringThe status of the transaction.
InvoiceNumberStringThe invoice number for the transaction.
FirstNameStringThe first name of the customer for the transaction.
LastNameStringThe last name of the customer for the transaction.
AccountTypeStringThe card type for this transaction (including eCheck). Valid values are: Visa, MasterCard, AmericanExpress, Discover, JCB, DinersClub, eCheck.

The allowed values are Visa, MasterCard, AmericanExpress, Discover, JCB, DinersClub, eCheck.
AccountNumberStringThe account number for the transaction.
SettleAmountDecimalThe amount that was submitted for settlement.
HasReturnedItemsBooleanIndicates that this transaction contains returned items.
SubscriptionIdStringThe subscription Id.
SubscriptionPayNumIntegerIdentifies the number of this transaction, in terms of how many transactions have been submitted for this subscription.
MarketTypeStringThe market type used to process the transaction. Valid values: 0 (eCommerce), 1 (MOTO), 2 (Retail).
ProductStringThe product method used to process the transaction. Valid values: Card Not Present, Card Present.

The allowed values are Card Not Present, Card Present.
MobileDeviceIdStringThe unique identifier of the mobile device.
CustomerProfileIdStringThe ID number associated with the customer profile.
CustomerPaymentProfileIdStringThe ID of the customer payment profile used to charge this transaction.


Query settled batches for an merchant account.

The following columns can be specified in the WHERE clause for the SettledBatchList table: IncludeStatistics and SettlementTime.

SettlementTime supports the >, >=, <= and < operators and can be used to specify a range. The default date range is from UTC January 1 two years before the current year until the current time.

If SettlementTime is not set as a range the query will return the previous or next 31 days depending on the used operator.

IncludeStatistics is false by default. If you set ‘IncludeStatistics=true’, then statistics are included for the entire range, including the first and last SettlementTime dates.

Columns that are statistics have the property ‘Statistic = True’ in the table below.

SELECT * FROM SettledBatchList WHERE SettlementTime > '2014-09-01' AND SettlementTime < '2014-09-20' AND IncludeStatistics = 'false'

Get data from the last January 1 two years before the current year to the current time.

SELECT * FROM SettledBatchList

Get data after the SettlementTime value.

SELECT * FROM SettledBatchList WHERE SettlementTime > '2014-09-01'

Get data before the SettlementTime value.

SELECT * FROM SettledBatchList WHERE SettlementTime <= '2014-09-01'


BatchId [KEY]StringThe unique batch Id.
SettlementTimeDatetimeDate and time the batch was settled.
SettlementStateStringThe status of the batch. Valid values are settledSuccessfully or error.

The allowed values are settledSuccessfully, error.
PaymentMethodStringThe payment method associated with the batch. Valid values are creditCard or eCheck.

The allowed values are creditCard, eCheck.
MarketTypeStringThe market type associated with the batch. Valid values are 0 (eCommerce), 1 (MOTO), or 2 (Retail).
ProductStringThe product associated with the batch. Valid values are Card Not Present or Card Present.

The allowed values are Card Not Present, Card Present.
TotalChargeDecimalTrueThe total charged amount.
TotalRefundDecimalTrueThe total refunded amount.


IncludeStatisticsBooleanIdentifies whether to retrieve the batch statistics in addition to the basic batch details. The default value is false.


Query TransactionDetails to retrieve Items for an merchant account.

The TransId is the only available supported column in the WHERE clause and it is required to retrieve results from TransactionDetailItems. TransId can be used with the (=) or IN operator.

SELECT * FROM TransactionDetailItems WHERE TransId = '23478353'

SELECT * FROM TransactionDetailItems WHERE TransId IN ('23478353', '23479147')


TransId [KEY]StringThe unique transaction Id.
ItemId [KEY]StringThe Id assigned to an item.
BatchIdStringThe Id of the batch the transaction is in.
SettlementTimeDatetimeDate and time the transaction was settled.
SettlementStateStringStatus of the batch. Valid values: settledSuccessfully, settlementError, pendingSettlement.
ResponseCodeIntegerThe overall status of the transaction. Valid values: 1 (Approved), 2 (Declined), 3 (Error), 4 (Held for review).

The allowed values are 1, 2, 3, 4.
InvoiceNumberStringThe invoice number for the transaction.
PurchaseOrderNumberStringThe purchase order number for the transaction.
AuthAmountDecimalThe amount authorized or refunded.
CustomerIdStringThe merchant-assigned customer Id.
CustomerEmailStringThe email address of the customer.
ReturnedItemIdStringThe transaction ID for returned item.
ReturnedItemDateDatetimeDate the item was returned.
ReturnedItemCodeStringThe ACH return code.
ReturnedItemDescriptionStringA text description of the reason for the return.
ItemNameStringThe short description of the item.
ItemDescriptionStringThe detailed description of the item.
ItemQuantityDoubleThe number of items sold.
ItemUnitPriceDecimalThe cost of the item per unit, excluding tax, freight, and duty.
ItemTaxableBooleanIndicates whether the item is subject to tax.


Query TransactionDetails for an merchant account.

The TransId is the only available supported column in the WHERE clause and it is required to retrieve results from TransactionDetails. TransId can be used with the (=) or IN operator.

SELECT * FROM TransactionDetails WHERE TransId = '23478353'

SELECT * FROM TransactionDetails WHERE TransId IN ('23478353', '23479147')


TransId [KEY]StringThe unique transaction Id.
RefTransIdStringThe transaction Id of the original transaction. This only appears for linked credits (transaction type refundTransaction).
SplitTenderIdStringIdentifies the split tender order, if applicable. This only appears for transactions that are part of a larger partial authorization order.
SubmitTimeDatetimeDate and time the transaction was submitted.
TransactionTypeStringThe type of transaction that was originally submitted. Valid values: authCaptureTransaction, authOnlyTransaction, captureOnlyTransaction, refundTransaction.

The allowed values are authCaptureTransaction, authOnlyTransaction, captureOnlyTransaction, refundTransaction.
TransactionStatusStringThe status of the transaction.
ResponseCodeIntegerThe overall status of the transaction. Valid values: 1 (Approved), 2 (Declined), 3 (Error), 4 (Held for review).

The allowed values are 1, 2, 3, 4.
ResponseReasonCodeIntegerA code that represents more details about the result of the transaction.
ResponseReasonDescriptionStringA brief description of the result, which corresponds with the response reason code.
AuthCodeStringThe authorization or approval code.
AVSResponseStringResponse from the AVS security check. Indicates the result of the AVS filter.
CardCodeResponseStringResponse from the card code security check. Indicates the result of the CCV filter.
CAVVResponseStringThe cardholder authentication verification response code.
FDSFilterActionStringThe action taken for a transaction that triggered one or more of the Advanced Fraud Detection Suite filters. Valid values: reject, decline, hold, authAndHold, report.
FDSFiltersNameStringA comma-separated list of fraud filter names.
FDSFiltersActionStringA comma-separated list of fraud filter settings.
BatchIdStringThe Id of the batch the transaction is in.
SettlementTimeDatetimeDate and time the transaction was settled.
SettlementStateStringStatus of the batch. Valid values: settledSuccessfully, settlementError, pendingSettlement.

The allowed values are settledSuccessfully, settlementError, pendingSettlement.
InvoiceNumberStringThe invoice number for the transaction.
DescriptionStringThe description of the transaction.
PurchaseOrderNumberStringThe purchase order number for the transaction.
RequestedAmountDecimalThe amount requested. This will only be present for partial authorization transactions. For other transactions it is not listed because it is always the same as AuthAmount.
AuthAmountDecimalThe amount authorized or refunded.
SettleAmountDecimalThe amount that was submitted for settlement.
TaxAmountDecimalThe amount of the tax.
TaxNameStringThe name of the tax.
TaxDescriptionStringThe description of the tax.
ShippingAmountDecimalThe amount charged for shipping.
ShippingNameStringThe name of the shipping charges.
ShippingDescriptionStringThe description of the shipping charges.
DutyAmountDecimalThe amount of the duty.
DutyNameStringThe name of the duty.
DutyDescriptionStringThe description of the duty.
PrepaidBalanceRemainingDecimalThe amount remaining on the prepaid card at the time of the transaction.
TaxExemptBooleanIndicates whether the item is tax exempt.
CardNumberStringThe credit card number.
CardExpirationDateStringThe expiration date.
CardAccountTypeStringThe type of credit card. Valid values: Visa, MasterCard, AmericanExpress, Discover, JCB, DinersClub.

The allowed values are Visa, MasterCard, AmericanExpress, Discover, JCB, DinersClub.
BankRoutingNumberStringThe routing number of the bank.
BankAccountNumberStringThe masked bank account number.
BankNameOnAccountStringThe name on the bank account.
BankEcheckTypeStringThe echeck type used for the transaction. Valid values: PPD, WEB, CCD, TEL.

The allowed values are PPD, WEB.CCD.TEL.
CustomerTypeStringThe customer type. Valid values: individual, business.

The allowed values are individual, business.
CustomerIdStringThe merchant-assigned customer Id.
CustomerEmailStringThe email address of the customer.
BillToFirstNameStringThe first name associated with the billing address of the customer.
BillToLastNameStringThe last name associated with the billing address of the customer.
BillToCompanyStringThe company name associated with the billing address of the customer.
BillToAddressStringThe billing address of the customer.
BillToCityStringThe city of the billing address of the customer.
BillToStateStringThe state of the billing address of the customer.
BillToZipStringThe ZIP of the billing address of the customer.
BillToCountryStringThe country of the billing address of the customer.
BillToPhoneNumberStringThe phone number for the billing address of the customer.
BillToFaxNumberStringThe fax number for the billing address of the customer.
ShipToFirstNameStringThe first name associated with the shipping address of the customer.
ShipToLastNameStringThe last name associated with the shipping address of the customer.
ShipToCompanyStringThe company name associated with the shipping address of the customer.
ShipToAddressStringThe shipping address of the customer.
ShipToCityStringThe city of the shipping address of the customer.
ShipToStateStringThe state of the shipping address of the customer.
ShipToZipStringThe ZIP of the shipping address of the customer.
ShipToCountryStringThe country of the shipping address of the customer.
SubscriptionIdStringThe subscription Id.
SubscriptionPayNumIntegerIdentifies the number of this transaction, in terms of how many transactions have been submitted for this subscription.
SolutionIdStringThe solution Id generated by and provided to the solution provider.
SolutionNameStringThe name generated by the solution provider and provided to
CustomerIPStringThe IP address for the customer.
MobileDeviceIdStringThe unique identifier of the mobile device.
MarketTypeStringThe market type used to process the transaction. Valid values: 0 (eCommerce), 1 (MOTO), 2 (Retail).
ProductStringThe product method used to process the transaction. Valid values: Card Not Present, Card Present.

The allowed values are Card Not Present, Card Present.


Query Transactions in a batch for an merchant account.

The BatchId is the only available supported column in the WHERE clause and it is required to retrieve results from TransactionList. BatchId can be used with the (=) or IN operator.

SELECT * FROM TransactionList WHERE BatchId = '35353'

SELECT * FROM TransactionList WHERE BatchId IN ('35353', '34219')


TransId [KEY]StringThe unique transaction Id.
BatchIdStringThe unique batch Id.
SubmitTimeDatetimeDate and time the transaction was submitted.
SettlementTimeLocalDatetimeDate and time the transaction was submitted in local format: YYYY-MM-DDTHH:MM:SS.mmm
TransactionStatusStringThe status of the transaction.
InvoiceNumberStringThe invoice number for the transaction.
FirstNameStringThe first name of the customer for the transaction.
LastNameStringThe last name of the customer for the transaction.
AccountTypeStringThe card type for this transaction (including eCheck). Valid values are: Visa, MasterCard, AmericanExpress, Discover, JCB, DinersClub, eCheck.

The allowed values are Visa, MasterCard, AmericanExpress, Discover, JCB, DinersClub, eCheck.
AccountNumberStringThe account number for the transaction.
SettleAmountDecimalThe amount that was submitted for settlement.
HasReturnedItemsBooleanIndicates that this transaction contains returned items.
SubscriptionIdStringThe subscription Id.
SubscriptionPayNumIntegerIdentifies the number of this transaction, in terms of how many transactions have been submitted for this subscription.
MarketTypeStringThe market type used to process the transaction. Valid values: 0 (eCommerce), 1 (MOTO), 2 (Retail).
ProductStringThe product method used to process the transaction. Valid values: Card Not Present, Card Present.

The allowed values are Card Not Present, Card Present.
MobileDeviceIdStringThe unique identifier of the mobile device.


Query Unsettled Transactions for an merchant account.

This table does not support any columns in the WHERE clause.

SELECT * FROM UnsettledTransactionList


TransId [KEY]StringThe unique transaction Id.
SubmitTimeDatetimeDate and time the transaction was submitted.
TransactionStatusStringThe status of the transaction.
InvoiceNumberStringThe invoice number for the transaction.
FirstNameStringThe first name of the customer for the transaction.
LastNameStringThe last name of the customer for the transaction.
AccountTypeStringThe card type for this transaction (including eCheck). Valid values are: Visa, MasterCard, AmericanExpress, Discover, JCB, DinersClub, eCheck.
AccountNumberStringThe account number for the transaction.
SettleAmountDecimalThe amount that was submitted for settlement.
HasReturnedItemsBooleanIndicates that this transaction contains returned items.
SubscriptionIdStringThe subscription Id.
SubscriptionPayNumStringIdentifies the number of this transaction, in terms of how many transactions have been submitted for this subscription.
MarketTypeStringThe market type used to process the transaction. Valid values: 0 (eCommerce), 1 (MOTO), 2 (Retail).
ProductStringThe product method used to process the transaction. Valid values: Card Not Present, Card Present.

The allowed values are Card Not Present, Card Present.