Cloud SQL Batch ETL Source

Configure the Cloud SQL data source with below parameters.

Schema Type

See the topic Provide Schema for ETL Source → to know how schema details can be provided for data sources.

After providing schema type details, the next step is to configure the data source.

Data Source Configuration

Configure the data source parameters that are explained below.

Connection Name

Connections are the service identifiers. A connection name can be selected from the list if you have created and saved connection details for Cloud SQL earlier. Or create one as explained in the topic - Cloud SQL Connection →

Schema Name

Select the schema from the provided list. All schemas are listed are from the selected connection name.

Table Name

Select the table from the provided list. All tables are listed are from the selected schema name.


Hive compatible SQL query to be executed in the component.

Inspect Query

Provide a Hive compatible SQL query to be executed in the component with a limit in record count. This will be used only during application design.

Enable Query Partitioning

Tables will be partitioned and loaded in RDDs if this check-box is enabled. This enables parallel reading of data from the table.

No. of Partitions

Number of threads that will be launched to partition the table while reading data.

Partition on Column

This column will be used to partition the data. This must be a numeric column.

Lower Bound

This value will be used to decide the partition boundaries. The entire dataset will be distributed into multiple chunks depending upon the values.

Upper Bound

This value will be used to decide the partition boundaries. The entire dataset will be distributed into multiple chunks depending upon the values.

Add Configuration: To add additional custom ADLS properties in a key-value pair.

Detect Schema

Check the populated schema details. For more details, see Schema Preview →

Incremental Read

Optionally, you can enable incremental read. For more details, see ADLS Incremental Configuration →.

Pre Action

To understand how to provide SQL queries or Stored Procedures that will be executed during pipeline run, see Pre-Actions →.


Optionally, enter notes in the Notes → tab and save the configuration.
