Cloud SQL ETL Target

Target Configuration

Configure the target parameters that are explained below.

Connection Name

Connections are the service identifiers. A connection name can be selected from the list if you have created and saved connection details for Cloud SQL earlier. Or create one as explained in the topic - Cloud SQL Connection →

Schema Name

Select the schema; the dropdown menu will show all schemas associated with the “Connection” selected.

Table Name

Select the table name; the dropdown menu will show all tables associated with the “Schema”.

Enable Batch

If TRUE, batches multiple messages while emitting data and improves the write performance.

Batch Size

Specify the number of records sent to the database in a single batch.

Note: Increasing batch size boosts performance by reducing database round trips, yet large batches may consume excessive memory.

Save Mode

Save mode specifies how to handle any existing data in the target.

The options are:

Append: Appends data in the configured target.

Overwrite: Overwrites existing data if any, in the target.

Upsert: The existing data in the designated target table will be updated, and any new data will be inserted.

Update: Update the data rows in the target.

Ignore Values

Enable this option to exclude specified values from the data.

Values to ignore

Enter comma-separated values to exclude from the data. If a record contains any of these values in columns, even partially, then matching column values will be ignored and set as null.

Add Configuration: To add additional custom ADLS properties in a key-value pair.

Post Action

To understand how to provide SQL queries or Stored Procedures that will be executed during pipeline run, see Post-Actions →


Optionally, enter notes in the Notes → tab and save the configuration.
