DynamoDB Source Connection


For reading data from DynamoDB, at least below permissions are required in AWS:


Connection Configuration

Connection Name: Name of the connection to be created.

Connect Using: Connect using AWS keys, Role ARN or Instance Profile.

AWS Keys: Uses the provided AWS account access key ID and secret key for connecting to DynamoDB.

Role ARN: Uses the auto generated, user specific Role ARN (Gathr Role ARN) to access DynamoDB.

See the sub-topic Generate Role ARN for DynamoDB to know the steps required for generating Customer Role ARN.

When Customer Role ARN is provided, the AWS instance will be used to authenticate the connection.

During Gathr’s Free Trial, use AWS Keys instead of the Role ARN method to authenticate the connection.

Not applicable for pipelines designed to run on Registered Clusters. Use Instance profile instead.

Instance Profile: Uses Instance profile to access DynamoDB.

Not applicable for pipelines designed to run on Gathr Cluster.

Gathr provides an option for the applications created by you to run on Registered Clusters in the preferred region and AWS account of your choice by setting up an AWS PrivateLink. To know more, see Compute Setup →

For Registered Clusters, ensure that you select the IAM role with DynamoDB access while configuring the cluster.

After entering all the details, click on the TEST button.

If the connection service identification and authentication details are provided correctly, a success message stating “connection available” is generated. Click on the CREATE button to save the changes.

If the details are incorrect or the server is down, you will get a message “Connection unavailable”.

Generate Role ARN for DynamoDB

Steps to create a role with access to DynamoDB

  1. Login to your AWS account, navigate to the Access Management > Roles option and click on Create role.


  2. On AWS service tab select the EC2 option and click on Next.


  3. Search and attach the AmazonDynamoDBFullAccess, AmazonKinesisFullAccess and CloudWatchFullAccess policies to this role and proceed with the role creation steps.


  4. Provide a role name and click on the Create role button.


  5. A role for Gathr gets created and you can copy and provide the Role ARN details for Customer Role ARN field in Gathr application.


Add Gathr tenant ARN as a Trusted Entity

The last step in AWS console is to add the Gathr tenant ARN details as a trusted entity to the role created.

From Gathr application, copy the Gathr Role ARN from the configuration page as shown below:


For the role created in AWS console, on the Trust relationships tab, click on Edit trust relationship and use the Tenant ARN that you copied from Gathr User Profile, to replace the Principal details as shown below:


Click on Update Trust Policy.
