Elasticsearch Target Connection

Connection Configuration

Connection Name: Name of the connection to be created.

Connection Type: Option to choose between either connecting securely using SSH Tunnel or, proceed with a direct connection.

If Connection Type value is SSH Tunnel, additional fields will be displayed as given below:

To know more about SSH Tunneling with Gathr, see SSH Tunneling.

SSH Key: The SSH key should be provided to authenticate the associated SSH host and SSH user.

SSH Host: Public IP address of your SSH host.

SSH User: Default SSH username.

If Connection Type value is Direct Connection, then proceed by updating the following fields.

Hosts: Host details of the Elasticsearch host should be provided.


For Managed Elasticsearch: Host details that you get from Managed Elasticsearch.

Example: vpc-managed-es-abc12aaf34mtbjeotiohhftfk4.us-east-2.es.amazonaws.com

Http Port: Default HTTP/REST port used for connecting to Elasticsearch.

For Managed Elasticsearch: For non-SSL connections use non-SSL Port, for example 80 and for SSL connections use the SSL port, for example: 443.

Cluster Name: Name of the Elasticsearch cluster.

For Managed Elasticsearch: AWS account Id should be appended before the cluster name.

Example: 123456789123:managed-es-domain

Note: In AWS console, while launching the OpenSearch cluster, it is adviced to enable compatibility mode to avoid any connection issues with the cluster.

Elasticsearch Enable Compatibility Mode

Enable Security: Option to enable security. Upon selecting True, Enable SSL and Enable Authentication options will appear.

Enable SSL: Check mark to enable SSL option for HTTPS.

Upload Keystore File: Option to upload keystore file.

Keystore Password: Keystore file password should be provided.

Enable Authentication: If selected, you will view some additional fields, like: Username and Password.

To know more about how to configure a domain with the internal user database and HTTP basic authentication, click here.

Username: Username of the Elasticsearch account which is to be connected should be provided.

Password: Password for the Elasticsearch account should be provided.

After entering all the details, click on the TEST button.

If the connection service identification and authentication details are provided correctly, a success message stating “connection available” is generated. Click on the CREATE button to save the changes.

If the details are incorrect or the server is down, you will get a message “Connection unavailable”.
