JIRA data source allows you to retrieve information from issues based on a SQL query or from projects based on the specified configurations.

Data Source Configuration

Connection Name: Connections are the service identifiers. A connection name can be selected from the list if you have created and saved connection details for JIRA earlier. Or create one as explained in the topic - JIRA Source Connection →

Search Type: The options available in Search Type are:

Query: It can be selected to read the desired data from JIRA issues by providing SQL query.

Parameters: It can be selected to read data from specific projects, issue types and fields.

If the preferred option is Query, an additional field for providing query will be displayed.

Query: Query to be executed in JIRA.


project = <project_id> AND issuetype IN ( 'Bug','Task') 

If the preferred option is Parameter, then proceed by updating the following fields.

Project Name: Project name(s) should be selected to read data from the available user projects. Select IN to include or NOT IN to exclude the selected project names.

Issue Type: Issue Type(s) should be selected to read data from the available Issue Types. Select IN to include or NOT IN to exclude the selected Issue Types.

Expand String: The expand parameter for the Work Item attributes.

At present, only fields are supported.

Fields: Option to read data from the selected fields. The fields displayed in this parameter are specific to the projects selected above.

Detect Schema

Check the populated schema details. For more details, see Schema Preview →

Incremental Read

Optionally, you can enable incremental read. For more details, see JIRA Incremental Configuration →

Pre Action

To understand how to provide SQL queries or Stored Procedures that will be executed during pipeline run, see Pre-Actions →).


Optionally, enter notes in the Notes → tab and save the configuration.
