Microsoft Advertising Connection

See the Connector Marketplace topic. Please request your administrator to start a trial or subscribe to the Premium Microsoft Advertising connector.

Microsoft Advertising is an online advertising platform developed by Microsoft that provides pay per click advertising on the Bing, Yahoo!, and DuckDuckGo search engines, as well as on other websites, mobile apps, and videos.

This topic describes how to authenticate to Microsoft Advertising and configure any necessary connection properties in the Microsoft Advertising connection connector.

Connection Configuration

Each connection property available in the Microsoft Advertising connector is explained below.

Connection Name

The name of the connection to be created should be provided. This is the name that will display on the list of available connections.

Developer Token

Developer Token of the currently authenticated user.

To use the Microsoft Advertising APIs, you must have a Developer Token in addition to the Customer Id and Account Id.

You must have the Super Admin role in Microsoft Advertising to create a developer token, though you do not need special permissions to use the token.

BBD37VB98 may be used for sandbox accounts.

To generate a developer token

  1. Log in to the Microsoft Advertising Developer Portal as a Microsoft Account user with the Microsoft Advertising Super Admin role.

  2. Click the Request Token button and take note of your developer token.

    You can use it in the Developer Token connection property.

Customer ID

CustomerId of the currently authenticated user.

You can find this information in the Microsoft Advertising Web application, under Settings > Accounts and Billing > Your Account > Account.

Account ID

The ID of the account that you want to get data for.

If it is not specified the connector will use the first Account ID it finds from querying the API.

You can find a value either by querying Accounts table or by going to the Microsoft Ads Web application, under Settings > Accounts and Billing > Your Account > Account.

Client ID

The client ID assigned when you register your application with an OAuth authorization server.

As part of registering an OAuth application, you will receive the ClientId value, sometimes also called a consumer key.

Client Secret

The client secret assigned when you register your application with an OAuth authorization server.

As part of registering an OAuth application, you will receive a client secret, also called a consumer secret.

Refresh Token

The OAuth refresh token for the corresponding OAuth access token.

Azure Tenant

The Microsoft Online tenant being used to access data. If not specified, your default tenant is used.


Alternatively, specify the tenant Id. This value is the directory Id in the Azure Portal > Azure Active Directory > Properties.

Azure Environment

The Azure Environment to use when establishing a connection.


In most cases, leaving the environment set to global will work.

However, if your Azure Account has been added to a different environment, the Azure Environment may be used to specify which environment.

Use Sandbox

A boolean indicating if you are using a Sandbox account.

The provider makes requests to the production environment by default.

If you are using a production account, this property can be set to FALSE. If you are using a developer test account, set this to TRUE.

After entering all the details, click on the TEST button.

If the connection service identification and authentication details are provided correctly, a success message stating “connection available” is generated.

Click on the CREATE button to save the changes.

If the details are incorrect or the server is down, you will get a message “Connection unavailable”.
