Quickbase Ingestion Source

Gathr provides Quickbase channel to read Apps data from Quickbase.

Data Source Configuration

Fetch From Source/Upload Data File

For designing the application, you can either fetch the sample data from the BigQuery source by providing the data source connection details or upload a sample data file in one of the supported formats to see the schema details during the application design.

If Upload Data File is selected to fetch sample data, provide the below details.

File Format: Select the sample file format (file type) depending on the data type.

Gathr-supported file formats for BigQuery data source are CSV, JSON, TEXT, Parquet and ORC.

For CSV file format, select its corresponding delimiter.

Header Included: Enable this option to read the first row as a header if your BigQuery data is in CSV format.

Upload: Please upload the sample file as per the file format selected above.

If Fetch From Source is selected, continue configuring the data source.

Connection Name: Connections are the service identifiers. A connection name can be selected from the list if you have created and saved connection details for BigQuery earlier. Or create one as explained in the topic - Quickbase Source Connection →

Use the Test Connection option to ensure that the connection with the BigQuery channel is established successfully.

A success message states that the connection is available. In case of any error in test connection, edit the connection to resolve the issue before proceeding further.

Configure the Quickbase data source by providing the details for each field as described below:

Table Name: All the tables will be listed from the application authenticated in the connection. Select a table to read the data.

Fields: All the fields along with field IDs will be listed as per the table selected. Select the fields that are required to be read.

Where Clause: Option to exclusively fetch schema results or read data from source as per the filter condition or query provided.

Sort By: The records that are fetched from the table will be sorted with reference to the field selected. The sorting preference will be from top to last in case of multiple entries.

Group By: The records that are fetched from the table will be grouped with reference to the field selected. The grouping preference will be from top to last in case of multiple entries.

Additional Query Options: Optionally specify the query options.



Records Per Partition: The number of records that should be fetched in parallel from the specified table.

Example: For reading 1000 records, if the partition value is given as 100, then 100 records in 10 partitions will be fetched in parallel.

Add configuration: Additional properties can be added using Add Configuration link.


Check the populated schema details. For more details, see Schema Preview →

Advanced Configuration

Optionally, you can enable incremental read. For more details, see Quickbase Incremental Configuration →
