Sage Intacct Connection

See the Connector Marketplace topic. Please request your administrator to start a trial or subscribe to the Premium Sage Intacct connector.

Sage Intacct is a modern Cloud-based enterprise resource planning (ERP) software that organisations use to manage day to day activities such as accounting, customers, inventory, procurement, supply chain, project management, business intelligence and compliance.

This topic describes how to authenticate to Sage Intacct and configure any necessary connection properties in the Sage Intacct connection connector.

Connection Configuration

Each connection property available in the Sage Intacct connector is explained below.

Connection Name

The name of the connection to be created should be provided. This is the name that will display on the list of available connections.

Auth Scheme

The authorization scheme to be used when server authorization is to be performed.

  • BasicReadOnly

  • Basic

  • OKTA

Company ID

The Company ID of the user who is authenticating to Intacct.


The endpoint URL used to connect to Sage Intacct. The default value of this property is usually sufficient.


The identity provider’s login URL.

SSO Properties

Additional properties required to connect to the identity provider in a semicolon-separated list.


The Sage Intacct user account used to authenticate.


The password used to authenticate the user.

Sender ID

The Web Services SenderID assigned to you by Intacct.

Sender Password

Your registered Web Services password.

Session ID

The session ID used to connect to Intacct.

You can obtain this from the URL after logging into Sage Intacct. Additionally, set UseSessionID.

Use SessionID

Set to true if connecting with a SessionID.

Client ID

The Client ID of the distributed child company to access.

Locations Id

The Location ID of the shared child company to access.

Note: Either this property or ClientID can be set. If both are set, an error will be thrown.

DocPar Id

Used to select different groups of columns exposed on Sage Intacct. The docparid should be an object type from the Objects list, available under Platform Services.

The default value is empty, which uses the base definitions of these columns as provided by Sage Intacct.

Enable Subscriptions

Provide the comma separated list of subscriptions enabled for the Sage Intacct account to allow access for specific tables related to the subscriptions.

The required format for a single subscriptions is: Construction

For example: Construction, Consolidation

The extend of related attributes to be queried.

If set to ‘None’, only attributes from the queried table will be shown. If set to ‘PrimaryKeys’, only Primary keys of related objects will be shown. If set to ‘All’, all attributes of related objects will be shown.

Enable SSL

Option for creating the connection with SSL enabled.

Upload Keystore File

Option to upload keystore file.

Advanced Configurations

This section contains advanced configuration parameters.

Include Detail Aggregate

A boolean indicating if aggregate columns should be displayed.

If this is set to true, aggregate columns containing child entity information will be displayed on the parent entity.


A boolean indicating if Intacct’s XML return format should be used, rather than the JSON return format. By default, the XML return format is used.


The maximum number of results to return per page from Sage Intacct.

Add Configuration: Additional properties can be added using this option as key-value pairs.

After entering all the details, click on the TEST button.

If the connection service identification and authentication details are provided correctly, a success message stating “connection available” is generated.

Click on the CREATE button to save the changes.

If the details are incorrect or the server is down, you will get a message “Connection unavailable”.
