Salesforce Ingestion Target

Salesforce as a target is supported by Gathr.

Target Configuration

Connection Name: Connections are the service identifiers. A connection name can be selected from the list if you have created and saved connection details for Salesforce earlier. Or create one as explained in the topic - Salesforce Connection →

Table Name: Existing table name of the specific Salesforce account should be provided.

Save Mode: Save Mode is used to specify the expected behavior of saving data to the target relational database table.

Append: When persisting data, if data/table already exists, contents of the Schema are expected to be appended to existing data.

Update: When persisting data, if data/table already exists, existing data is expected to be updated by the contents of the Data with additional option as specified in the Update Type option below.

If Save Mode field is selected with Update option, additional field will be displayed as given below:

External ID Field: A field for upsert operation should be selected.

Additionally, there is an option to create new custom Salesforce object.

Create Table: Check mark this option if you want to create a custom object in Salesforce.

If Create Table field is selected, additional fields will be displayed as given below:

Replace Table: Option to delete and create a new custom Salesforce object.

Table Name: The table name provided here will be used in tabs, page layouts and reports.

Record Name Field: The record name field appears in the page layouts, key lists, related lists, lookups and search results.

Example: The record name for Account is “Account Name” and for Case it is “Case Number”.

Data Type: Data type should be selected for the record name field.

Add Column: Option to add columns by providing Field Name and selecting Data Type and Default Value.

Add Configuration: Additional properties can be added using Add Configuration link.

Save Mode: Save Mode is used to specify the expected behavior of saving data to the target relational database table.

Append: When persisting data, if data/table already exists, contents of the Schema are expected to be appended to existing data.

Update: When persisting data, if data/table already exists, existing data is expected to be updated by the contents of the Data with additional option as specified in the Update Type option below.

If Save Mode field is selected with Update option, additional field will be displayed as given below:

External ID Field: A field for upsert operation should be selected.

Target Schema Mapping

You can edit the table column name of the target fields in Gathr schema results section with custom field names.

Relationship between custom objects can be tracked using custom fields.You can use the relationship name of reference/lookup datatypes, that ends in __r (underscore-underscore-r), to represent a relationship between two custom objects. Reference to a related object can be added by representing the relationship in a column header.

For Example:

A parent table named Country has an external ID field QB_Country_RID__c.

A child table named Facility has a lookup field Country__c that relates to the Country table.

To establish relationship between these tables, we can refer relationship name of Country_c as Country__r followed by parent’s external ID field, i.e., QB_Country_RID in the schema results as shown below:



Click on the Next button. Enter the notes in the space provided.

Click on the Done button for saving the configuration.
