Password Policy
This policy outlines the minimum requirements for creating and managing strong passwords within Gathr application to ensure data security and protection from unauthorized access.
Policy Scope and Management
Scope of this password policy applies to all Gathr users.
The passwords in Gathr can be managed under following scenarios:
Policy Requirements
Password Length
- Passwords must be a minimum of 12 characters and a maximum of 24 characters.
Password Complexity
Passwords must contain a combination of at least one character from each of the following categories:
Lowercase letters (a-z): At least one.
Uppercase letters (A-Z): At least one.
Numbers (0-9): At least one.
Special characters (!, @, #, $, %, ^, &, *): At least one special character from the list provided.
Common Words & Sequential Characters
Passwords must not contain commonly used words or phrases (for example, “password”) to avoid easy guessing.
Sequential character patterns (for example, “abcd”, “qwerty”, “12345”) are prohibited.
Avoid writing passwords down or storing them in unsecured places.
These requirements ensure that all user passwords across the platform are secure and meet standards for strength and complexity.
Forgot Password
Use the forgot password option to reset your account password.
Provide the registered email address on the Reset Password page.
A verification code will be sent to the registered email address.
Enter the verification code and a new password.
The password should comply with the password policy.
Click update password to save the changes.
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