Field Splitter Processor

The Field Splitter splits string data based on a regular expression and passes the separated data to new fields. Use the Field Splitter to split complex string values into logical components.

Field Splitter splits string data based on a regular expression and passes the separated data to new fields. Use the Field Splitter to split complex string values into logical components.

For example, if a field contains an error code and error message separated by a comma, you can use the comma to separate the code and message into different fields.

Processor Configuration

Field To Split: Field on which splitting is to be applied.

Separator: Delimiter used for separating field.

New Split Fields: Columns in which fields will be split.

Not Enough Split: It has two options Continue and Send to error.

Error Log Target: Select Target where you want to send data which failed to process in the pipeline.

Queue Name: Name of the queue where data will be published.

Connection Name: Connection name for creating connection.

Too Many Splits: When a field has too many splits, the Field Splitter can include all the remaining data in the last listed split field, or it can write the additional splits to a specified list field.

It has two options: Put Remaining in the last field or Store Remaining in New Field.

If Store Remaining in New Field is selected as a Field then remaining split options will be visible.

Original Field: The field that has splitting applied on it.

Whether you want to keep or remove the field. It has two options Remove or Keep.
