Masking Processor

Field masking is done to hide sensitive data.

To add a Masking operator into your application, select the Masking operator to add it to the canvas and connect it to a Data Source or another operator. Right click on it to configure.

Processor Configuration

Output Field: The list of columns is populated, in which masked value of selected column will be stored. You can search for a column or create a new Column name.

Masking Character: The Default masking character is *

Input Field: The list of columns is populated, from which the value of selected column will be masked.

Masking Type: Masking has four options:

  • All
  • Alternate Character
  • Head Characters
  • Trail Characters

Characters to be masked: This field is populated when masking type is Head Characters and Trailing Characters. Enter the number of characters to be masked.

Add Field: Add additional fields to be masked.
