Pivot Processor

Pivot is an aggregation operator where one of the grouping columns have distinct values which later gets transposed to form individual columns. These column values further help in data analysis and reporting.

Processor Configuration

Grouping Fields: All fields of selected message will be displayed here. Select the fields on which groping has to be done.

Pivot Column: All columns of selected message will be listed here. Select the column which is to be considered as Pivot column.

Pivot Values: Enter the comma separated values which are to be transposed to different columns.

Type of aggregation: All aggregation functions will be listed here. Select the function which is to be applied to the fields.

Aggregation Column: All columns of selected message will be listed here. Select the column on which aggregation is to be applied.

Time Window: Time window options.

None: Does not apply the window operation on data.

Fixed Window: Window length and sliding interval remains same.

Sliding Window: Enables to configure the window length and sliding interval.

Window Duration: Time window in seconds.

Slide Duration: Window slide duration in seconds.

Event Column: Message field of type time stamp.


Consider a dataset comprising of five records having four fields:

“OrderId”, “Product”, “Category” and “Amount”.

You need to group on the basis of field “Product”, pivot on column “Category” and type of aggregation to be applied is “SUM” on column “Amount”.

The Pivot operator applies the aggregation operation(SUM) on the Pivot column and creates pivot table.

Since, you have applied the operation “SUM” on column “Amount”, it will calculate the sum of different vegetables and fruits.

Sum of the fruits banana is 300, vegetable broccoli is 400 whereas carrot is 100.

If no amount is found for a particular vegetable, it will show null values against the product.
