Sequence Generator Processor

Sequence Generator processor allows you to generate a unique id for all the records generated by the processor. In other words, for generation of sequence in pipeline.

This processor will generate sequence in a field which can be used further in a pipeline.

Processor Configuration

There are three options to generate the type of sequence for the records.

Sequence: Generates numeric sequence of values.

Composite Key: The combination of fields selected in order will serve as primary key

UUID: The generated random alphanumeric 128 bit sequences.

Output Field Name: Output Field name should be selected.

Now, in case of Sequence, the following properties will be generated:

Type Sequence: Generates numeric sequence of values.

Output Field Name: Output Field name.

Start Value: First value to be generated, default is 0.

Increment By: Increment the value by the value entered in this field. Default is 1.

Cycle: If enabled, sequence values cycle through the range of start to end values. If disabled tasks will fail if end value reached and rows remain to process.

End Value: Maximum value to be generated (inclusive) after that value from start value will be generated.

Reset: If Reset is selected, the sequence will be generated after the last sequence (value) is generated. This field will not be a part of auto-inspection.

In case of Composite Key, the following properties will be generated:

Type: Composite Key: The combination of fields selected in order will serve as primary key.

Output Field Name: Output Field name should be selected from the list.

Select Fields: Keys will be created in the order of the selection of the fields.

Field Separator: Separator for the field values.
