SQL Processor

SQL Processor allows you to run SQL queries over streaming data and registered tables. It provides a common way for accessing different data sources.

For example, if you want to analyze weather data stream continuously and find the average temperature which is recorded every minute, you can use the SQL query. The output would be stream of new records showing average temperature recordings.

Processor Configuration

Configure the processor parameters as explained below.

Table Names

Displays all the registered tables. Select the table on which query is to be performed.

Query section

Enables to add multiple queries

Query Name

Specify a name for the query.

Skip While Inspect

Select this option to skip the query while inspecting.

If a SQl has CREATE/DROP/DELETE/UPDATE statements, it is recommended to skip it. As this will get executed over actual tables/Datasets.


Provides option of auto suggestion that enables to write query instantaneously.

Press CTRL + space in the query text box. It will display all the options like Table name, schema name, schema fields, query operations for writing the query.


Click SELECT from the list and write the query.

SELECT * from Kafka_657752

Click Delete from the list and write the query

Delete Emp_table

Accordingly, select other options from the auto suggestion list and enter the query.

Add Query

Enables to add multiple queries which can be executed over different tables.

Ask AI Assistant

Use the AI assistant feature to simplify the creation of SQL queries.

It allows you to generate complex SQL queries effortlessly, using natural language inputs as your guide.

Describe your desired expression in plain, conversational language. The AI assistant will understand your instructions and transform them into a functional SQL query.

Tailor queries to your specific requirements, whether it’s for data transformation, filtering, calculations, or any other processing task.

Note: Press Ctrl + Space to list input columns and Ctrl + Enter to submit your request.

Input Example:

Select those records whose last_login_date is less than 60 days from current_date.
