Create Cluster

Click CREATE CLUSTER to create a fresh cluster. Provide the below fields for creating a new cluster.

Cluster NameProvide a unique name for the cluster.
VPCSelect VPC for the cluster to be launched.
Subnet IDSelect subnet with the cluster to be launched.
Security GroupSelect security group for the cluster to be launched.
Security ConfigurationSelect security configuration from the drop down list of available options. Select None if security configuration is not required.
Service RoleSelect the emrIAMRole from the drop-down list of service roles.
Job Flow RoleSelect the emrIAMRole from the drop-down list of job flow roles.
Auto Scaling RoleSelect the emrIAMRole from the drop-down list of auto scaling roles.
Root EBS Volume (GB)Provide the root value for the cluster. Default value is 10.
EMR Managed ScalingUpon checking the option, the EMR will automatically adjust the number of EC2 instances required in core and task nodes based on workload. This option is unchecked by default.

Upon checking the EMR Managed Scaling option, provide values for the below fields:

Minimum UnitsProvide the minimum number of core or task units allowed in a cluster. Minimum value is 1.
Maximum UnitsProvide the maximum number of core or task units allowed in a cluster. Minimum value is 1.
Maximum On-Demand LimitProvide the maximum allowed core or task units for On-Demand market type in a cluster. If this parameter is not specified, it defaults to maximum units value. Minimum value is 0.
Maximum Core UnitsProvide the maximum allowed core nodes in a cluster. If this parameter is not specified, it defaults to maximum units value. Minimum value is 1.
Auto TerminationThis option is unchecked by default. Check this option for auto termination of cluster. Once the cluster becomes idle, it will terminate after the duration specified. Choose a minimum of one minute or a maximum of 24 hours value.
Steps ConcurrencyThis option is unchecked by default. Check this option to enable running multiple steps concurrently. Once the last step completes, the cluster will enter a waiting state.

Upon checking the Steps Concurrency check-box, the option appears:

Maximum StepsProvide value for the maximum steps that can run at a time. Enter a value between 2 and 256.

Click FETCH CLUSTER FROM AWS option to fetch an existing cluster by selecting the cluster ID from the drop-down list.
