Messaging Queue

Note: Some of the properties reflected are not feasible with Multi-Cloud version of Gathr. These properties are marked with **

Configurations properties related to messaging brokers come under this category. This category is further divided into three sub-categories.


PasswordRabbitMQ Password to create connection.
PortPort number of RabbitMQ.
RabbitMQ STOMP URLRabbitMQ stomp URL.
Host ListIP address of the machine where RabbitMQ is running.
RabbitMQ Virtual HostThe RabbitMQ virtual hosts.
UserUsername of RabbitMQ to create connection.
RabbitMQ Web URLWeb URL of RabbitMQ.


Kafka Metadata Broker List **The list of comma separated IP:port of Kafka brokers.
Kafka Zookeeper Server List **The list of comma separated IP:port of zookeeper for creating Kafka topic from gathr UI.
Kafka Topic Administration **When set to true it specifies that with in the application a Kafka connection has permission to create topics in Kafka.