Snowflake Data Source

The Snowflake cloud-based data warehouse system can be used as a source/channel in Gathr for configuring ETL pipelines.

Configure the Snowflake data source by configuring the parameters described below:

Connection NameThe user is required to select the Snowflake connection.
Override CredentialsUnchecked by default, check the checkbox to override credentials for user specific actions.
UsernameOnce the Override Credentials option is checked, provide the user name through which the Delta SQL service is running.
PasswordProvide the password for Delta SQL override credentials.
Create Warehouse

The user can create a new warehouse by selecting the check-box. The user will be required to upload the file to detect schema.

Note: Upon selecting the create warehouse option, the user is required to mention the warehouse configuration details.

Warehouse Name

The user is required to mention the warehouse name.

The user can select a warehouse from the existing warehouse list displayed here.

Schema Name

Snowflake schema list of the database of the selected connection is to be mentioned here.

Note: Upon selecting schema, the metadata of the table will be displayed.

QueryThe user is required to write the Snowflake SQL query.
Pre-Action QueryA semicolon separated list of SQL commands that are executed before reading data.
Post Action QueryA semicolon separated list of SQL commands that are executed after reading data.
Warehouse SizeUser will be required to select a warehouse size.
Maximum Cluster CountThe user will be required to specify the maximum number of clusters for the warehouse.
Scaling PolicyThe user is required to mention the scaling policy.
Auto SuspendThe user is required to mention the value in seconds.
Auto ResumeSpecifies whether to automatically resume a warehouse when a SQL statement (e.g. query) is submitted to it.
CommentsIf needed, the user can mention specific comments.

Configure Pre-Action in Source →
