View Data Overview

View Data provides support for several connections for which users can see the details about source data for the selected connection from the Gathr UI itself.


The components supported for the View Data feature are:

The configuration parameters for each connection are explained further.


ComponentComponent name for which the data sample needs to be viewed.
ConnectionThe available and active connection for the component is to be selected from the list.
Exchange NameRabbitMQ exchange name for the connection.
Queue NameRabbitMQ query to fetch the data from the source.
Routing KeyRouting Key of the RabbitMQ connection.
Fetch CountNumber of sample data records to be fetched must be entered.


ComponentComponent name for which the data sample needs to be viewed.
ConnectionThe available and active connection for the component is to be selected from the list.
HDFS PathLocation of the source data in HDFS that user wants to display in the UI as sample data.


ComponentComponent name for which the data sample needs to be viewed.
ConnectionThe available and active connection for the component is to be selected from the list.
Table NameTable name from which the sample data needs to be fetched from the source.
Base64 EncodedOption to specify whether the source is Base64 Encoded or not.
Column FamilyColumn family of the HBase table that is specified above.
Row IdUnique identifier of any specific table row that needs to be fetched in View Data results.
Fetch CountNumber of sample data records to be fetched must be entered.


ComponentComponent name for which the data sample needs to be viewed.
ConnectionThe available and active connection for the component is to be selected from the list.
QueryCassandra query to fetch the data from the source.
Fetch CountNumber of sample data records to be fetched must be entered.

ComponentComponent name for which the data sample needs to be viewed.
ConnectionThe available and active connection for the component is to be selected from the list.
Index TypeIndex mapping type in Elastic Search.
Index NameIndex name in Elastic Search.
Query StringElastic Search query to fetch the data from the source.
Fetch CountNumber of sample data records to be fetched must be entered.


ComponentComponent name for which the data sample needs to be viewed.
ConnectionThe available and active connection for the component is to be selected from the list.
Table NameTable name from which the sample data needs to be fetched from the source.
Fetch CountNumber of sample data records to be fetched must be entered.

After providing the field details for the desired component type, click on Fetch option.

The results will get displayed as per the query and fetch count provided in configuration.

