Scala Processor

Scala is a new language and is based on Java Virtual machine compatibility. You can code Scala in the similar manner as you code Java and has minimal prerequisites. Writing code in Scala is much faster and easy to use.

The Scala processor is used for** writing custom code in Scala language.

Scala Processor Configuration

To add a Scala processor to your pipeline, drag the processor onto the canvas and right-click on it to configure.

Package NamePackage for the Scala Implementation class.
Class NameClass name for the Scala implementation.
ImportsImport statements for the Scala implementation.
Input SourceInput Source for the Scala Code.
Scala CodeScala code implementation to perform the operation on JSON RDD

Next, click on the Jar Upload tab.

Jar file is generated when you build Scala code.

You can upload the third party jars from here so that the API’s can be utilized in Scala code by adding the import statement.

Click on the NEXT button. Enter the notes in the space provided.

Click SAVE for saving the configuration details.
