
Go to Setup from the main menu and click on the Database tab.


Provide values for the following properties:

Connection URLProvide the JDBC connection URL.
Supported Database deployment are PostgreSQL, Oracle, MySQL and MSSQL.
UserProvide username.
PasswordProvide password.
Run ScriptSelect run script option if all the SQL scripts needs to be executed into the configured database.
Run script will execute all the SQL scripts (DDL & DML) in configured RDBMS database, however with 3.2 version of SAX, follow the below mentioned note.
1. Before selecting Run Script, psql (PostgreSQL DB) or MySQL(MySQL DB) client should be installed.
2. Manually run both DDL and DML SQL scripts belongs to the folder named <SAX_HOME/db_dump/<RDBMS_3.2>, since it is not executed automatically with Run Script option.