Compute Environment

In the Compute Environment listing page, the user can view all the existing Compute Environment.


StatusThe status of the created Compute Environment is displayed under this column.
NameName of the Compute Environment is displayed.
Created ByThe creator’s/username will be displayed under this column.
Up TimeThis reflects the duration for which the cluster is up and running.
CoresNumber of cores required to launch the environment.
MemoryThis shows the required memory per node for this environment.
NodesRepresents the number of containers to launch the environment.
LibrariesReflects the software for compute Environment.
NotebooksThe total number of Notebooks that are using this cluster.

The user can click the play button to start the environment.

Click on the View logs icon to view the existing logs.

To view the consumed space by the cluster, click the view icon.

The user can click delete icon to delete the cluster and also terminate the cluster.

Create Compute Environment

The user can create a Compute Environment by clicking at the +icon at the top right of the screen.


NameMention the name of the Compute Environment.
TargetMention the run-time environment on which the Compute Environment is to be created.
Yarn Queue

In order to submit the job to launch the Compute Environment, mention the Yarn queue details.

SoftwareSpecify the software for Compute Environment.

The user can choose a pre-defined template for environment creation.

The user will be required to specify the Memory (in GB) and specify Cores (minimum 4 to be selected).

No of NodesEnter the value for the number of containers to launch the environment.
Time out (in seconds)The user can specify timeout duration in seconds to wait for the cluster to form before failing.

Specify the Username.

PasswordSpecify the Password for user authorization.

Kerberos principal to be used to launch the workspace environment.

Note: This option will be visible in Kerberos environment only.

Keytab File

Keytab file path to be used to launch the Compute Environment.

DescriptionThe user can specify a short description about the Compute Environment.

Click Launch to create the Compute Environment.
