Note: Some of the properties reflected are not feasible with Multi-Cloud version of Gathr. These properties are marked with **

Configuration properties related to NoSQL databases come under this category. This category is further divided into two sub-categories:


HBase Zookeeper Host **The zookeeper host names used for HBase cluster.
HBase Zookeeper Port **The zookeeper port for HBase cluster.
HBase Client Retry Number **The number of retries for the HBase client.
HBase Zookeeper Parent Node **Parent node in zookeeper for HBase service metadata.
HBase Zookeeper Recovery Retry **The no. of times to retry the connection to HBase zookeeper.
system-config.hbase.table.administration **When set to true it specifies that with in the application a HBase Default connection has permission to create tables and name spaces in HBase.


Cassandra Host ListAddresses of servers where Cassandra is running.
Cassandra UserUsername for Cassandra data store authentication.
Cassandra PasswordPassword for Cassandra data store authentication.
Cassandra Thrift Client Retry CountThe number of retries the Cassandra client will make to make a connection with server.
Cassandra Thrift Client Delay Between Retries (in ms)The time(in ms) after which the Cassandra client retries to make a connection to server.
Cassandra Keyspace Replicaton FactorDefines how many copies of the data will be present in the cluster.
Cassandra Keyspace Replicaton StrategyStrategy determines the nodes where replicas are placed. Simple Strategy places the first replica on a node determined by the partitioner. Additional replicas are placed on the next nodes clockwise in the ring without considering topology.
Cassandra Connection Retry CountCassandra connection retry count.