Manage Setup

The SETUP Section is captured in the Installation topic and defines the properties of Cluster Configuration, Gathr settings, Database settings, Messaging Queue, Elasticsearch, Cassandra and Version Control.

Under SETUP, the user has an option to manage Version Control.

Version Control SystemUser has an option to choose Git or gathr Metastore as version control system.

In case of Git, the pipeline artifacts will get pushed to Git after a version is created.

In case of gathr Metastore, the pipeline artifacts will be stored in the file system.

If user selects Git option as Version Control System, fill the below fields:

Repositories Local PathProvide the repositories local path where the Git clone will be placed in the repos of the file system.
auth.typeChoose Credentials/SSH option from the drop-down.


- Upon selecting Credentials, provide the User name and Password.

- Upon selecting SSH, upload the SSH key path.
HTTP URLProvide the HTTP URL of the remote GIT repository.
BranchProvide the branch name where the push operation will be performed.



If user selects gathr Metastore as Version Control System, fill the below fields:

auth.typeChoose Credentials/SSH option from the drop-down.


Upon selecting Credentials, provide the User name and Password. Upon selecting SSH, upload the SSH key path.

Click SAVE.