Kafka Emitter

Kafka emitter stores data to Kafka cluster. The supoorted data formats are JSON and DELIMITED.

Kafka Emitter Configuration

To add a Kafka emitter to your pipeline, drag the Kafka emitter onto the canvas and connect it to a Data Source or Processor.

The configuration settings of the Kafka emitter are mentioned below.

Connection NameAll Kafka connections will be listed here.Select a connection for connecting to Kafka.
Topic Name Type

Topic Name Type could be either Static or Dynamic.

Static: When you select Static, field โ€œTopic Nameโ€ is pertained as a text box. Provide a unique topic name to emit data.

Dynamic: With Dynamic, topic name will be populated with a drop down of the field names of incoming dataset. On selecting any of the field name, it will create topics based on the value of the selected field name in the topic name. (which means at runtime it will create topics dynamically using the selected field name values.)

Topic Name

Kafka topic name where you want to emit data.

In case of Dynamic Topic Name Type, at runtime the Kafka Emitter will take the value of the selected field as a topic name for each incoming records.

PartitionsNumber of partitions to be created for a topic. Each partition is ordered, immutable sequence of messages that is continually appended to a commit log.
Replication FactorFor a topic with replication factor N, Kafka will tolerate up to N-1 failures without losing any messages committed to the log.
Producer TypeSpecifies whether the messages are sent asynchronously or synchronously in a background thread. Valid values are async for asynchronous send and sync for synchronous send
Output Format

Data type format of the output message. Three types of output format are available:




Avro Schema Source

Select the Source of Avro Schema:

Input Text Schema: Manually enter the text schema in the field, Input Schema.

Schema Registry: It allows you to enter a schema registry subject name for Avro schema, in the field, Subject Name.

Auto Generate Schema: Schema generated is automatic based on the previous incoming dataset.

Header FieldsFields in the message that needs to be a part of output data.
Output FieldsMessage fields which will be a part of output data.
Message Key

The type of key you want to store in Kafka along with the data. It can be stored in the following four types:

Field Value: The values of the fields present in dataset concatenated by “#”.

Field Value Hash: The hash value of the values of the fields present in dataset concatenated by “#"

Static: The static value to be put as key in kafka along with data.

UUID: UUID to be put as a key along with data in kafka.

Kafka Partitioner

Kafka uses the default partition mechanism to distribute the data.

Key Based: kafka partitioning is done on the basis of keys.

Custom: Enables to write custom partition class by implementing the com.Gathr.framework.api.spark.partitioner.SAXKafkaPartitioner interface.

The partition method contains logic to calculate the destination partition and returns the target partition number.

Enable TTLSelect the checkbox to enable TTL(Time to Live) for records to persist for that time duration. Also provide the TTL value in seconds. However, if Streaming datasource used in pipeline along with Aggregation without watermark then it is recommended not to use Append as output mode. And finally provide the Priority value that defines the execution order for emitters.
Checkpoint DirectoryLocation where the checkpoint data is stored.
Output Mode

Output mode to be used while writing the data to Streaming emitter.

Select the output mode from the given three options:


Output Mode in which only the new rows in the streaming data will be written to the sink

Complete Mode:

Output Mode in which all the rows in the streaming data will be written to the sink every time there are some updates

Update Mode:

Output Mode in which only the rows that were updated in the streaming data will be written to the sink every time there are some updates.

Enable TriggerTrigger defines how frequently a streaming query should be executed.
Processing Time

It will appear only when Enable Trigger checkbox is selected.

Processing Time is the trigger time interval in minutes or seconds.
