NA Processor

The NA processor is used to handle the null values of any dataset.

If the value specified is Number, all null values of selected input field will be replaced by the specified number.

If the value specified is String, all null values of selected input field will be replaced by the given string.

For example, if there is any dataset in which input fields “Name” and “Age” are null, you can specify value for Name as “Mike” and “Age” as “30” that should substitute the null values.

NA Processor Configuration

To add NA Processor to your pipeline, drag the processor onto the canvas and right-click on it to configure.

Input FieldSelect the field from drop-down list that needs to be replaced.
ValueIt will replace the null values of input field with this value.
ADD FIELDAdditional fields can be added using ADD FIELD link.

Click on the NEXT button. Enter the notes in the space provided.

Click SAVE for saving the configuration details.
