
Below mentioned are certain terminologies which are used in the workflow:

Connection ID

Id used to create a connection in Airflow. Connection ID provided in workflow component should be same as ID given in airflow for connection

Trigger Rule

It is the rule by which current node or the task is triggered. The trigger rule is based on current state of all the parent nodes/ upstream tasks. Default value of trigger rule is ALL Success, which means, current node/task will only trigger, if all the parent nodes/upstream tasks have run successfully. Following can be the value of trigger rule.

All SuccessTrigger when all parent nodes have been succeeded.
All FailedTrigger when all parent nodes have been failed.
All DoneTrigger when all parent nodes have been executed (irrespective of success or failed).
One SuccessTrigger as soon as one parent node has been succeeded.
On FailedTrigger as soon as one parent node has been failed.
DummyJust trigger node.
None FailedTrigger when none of the parent nodes have been failed.


Service Level Agreement is the time by which a task should have succeeded.

If the task does not succeed within the given SLA, an alert email is sent on the configured mail id with details of task. SLA time has two properties, Duration and Value.

DurationThe duration in which the service is agreed to be delilvered. It is the unit of time.

Following are the units:

- Microsecond

- Milliseconds

- Seconds

- Minutes

- Hours

- Days

- Weeks
ValueThe value of the duartion as a numeric number.

Error Messages

A message will be displayed on the workflow homepage for following scenarios:

  • If Airflow is not configured properly or Airflow webserver is down.

  • If Airflow scheduler is down.

  • If SAX Airflow Plugin is not deployed properly.
