Container Data Source

The container Data Source is used to read the data from Couchbase. This Data Source is used as a caching container which read both the aggregated data and raw data from the bucket.

Configuring a Container Data Source

To add a Container Data Source into your pipeline, drag the Data Source to the canvas and right click on it to configure.

Under the Schema tab, you can Upload Data File Upload Data File and Fetch From Source.

Load From Template

Select the template from the list.

Only those templates will be visible in the drop down list that are created globally or within that workspace.

Sync With Source TemplateWhen a template is saved and is edited, this tab is reflected. If any change is made in source template, corresponding changes will reflect in Container’s configuration.
Connection NameName of the connection
Bucket Name

Couchbase Bucket name.

Select the Couchbase bucket that gets generated with the Couchbase connection.

You can also create a bucket and fetch details in the fields.

Bucket passwordCouchbase Bucket password
Memory QuotaMemory Quota in megabytes per server node. Memory Quota cannot be less than 100 MB.
Replicate view indexesBy checking the Replicate view indexes checkbox, you ensure that view indexes, as well as data are replicated

When flushed, all items in the bucket are removed as soon as possible.

Note: This does not immediately show in item count statistics with memcached buckets.

Record Limit

Enable the limit to fetch the number of records from Couchbase.

If you select it as Yes, the following tabs are populated, else, you can move to Fetch Data.

Max no. of RecordsMaximum number of records to be fetched from the Couchbase bucket
Overflow Condition

Fetch the records based on order for the selected column. (Fetch minimum records for ascending order and fetch maximum records for descending order)

Note: With aggregation, select the grouping field in the Overflow condition.

Fetch Data

Raw Data:

Fetch the raw data from the Couchbase bucket.

Aggregated Data:

Fetch the aggregated data from the Couchbase. A new field is populated, where you can group the fields from the schema.

Grouping FieldsField of selected message on which group by is applied.
FieldsApply functions on the input and output fields.

Click on the NEXT button.

An option to Save as Template will be available.

Add notes in the space provided and click on Save as Template.

Choose the scope of the Template (Global or Workspace) and Click Done for saving the Template and configuration details.

Configure Pre-Action in Source →
