Data Sources Introduction

A data source is the location where huge volumes of batch/streaming data that is being used originates from. It is the source data which is transformed using processors and ML algorithms that is ultimately emitted using a wide range of data warehouses. Gathr provides a range of data sources for its ETL and analytics functions.

Typically, you start creating a pipeline by selecting a Data Source for reading data. Data Source can also help you to infer schema from Schema Type which can directly from the selected source or by uploading a sample data file.

Gathr Data Sources are built-in drag and drop operators. The incoming data can be in any form such as message queues, transactional databases, log files and many more.


Gathr runs on the Spark computation system and supports two types of Data Source’s behavior:

  • Streaming Data Sources

  • Batch Data Sources

The data sources supported by Gathr are listed as follows:
