VSAM Data Source

VSAM Channel reads data stored in COBOL EBCDIC and Text Format.

Configuring a VSAM Data Source

To add a VSAM Data Source into your pipeline, drag the Data Source to the canvas and right-click on it to configure.

Under the Schema tab, you can select the Max No. of Rows and Sampling Method as Top-N or Random Sample.

HDFS ConnectionContainer connection name for creating connection.
Data TypeTwo types of data type are supported:

EBDCIC: Extended Binary Coded Decimal Interchange Code, is an 8 bit character encoding used on IBM mainframes and AS/400s.

TEXT: Text files are also accepted as data type.
Generate Record IDEvery generated record will have a primary record id corresponding to every entry.
HDFS Copy Book PathCopyBook is Schema file for Cobol. This is where you can use the Scope Variable using @. To know more about the same, read about Scope Variable.
HDFS Data PathThe file path in HDFS from where the data will be read.

Configure Pre-Action in Source →
