Indexing Store

Configurations properties related to search engines come under this category. This category is further divided into two sub-categories:


Enable AuthenticationSelect the check box, if Elasticsearch authentication is enabled.
Elasticsearch Cluster NameName of the Elasticsearch cluster.
Elasticsearch Connection URLThe http connection URL for Elasticsearch.
Connection Timeout in secsElasticSearch connection timeout in seconds.
Elasticsearch Embedded Data DirectoryThe data directory for running embedded Elasticsearch
Elasticsearch Embedded Enable dataDefines either to store data into disk or memory (true for disk, false for memory).
Elasticsearch Embedded Enable HTTPDefines either the http connection is enabled or not for embedded Elasticsearch.
Elasticsearch Embedded Enable localThe value of this field should be true.
Elasticsearch Embedded Node NameThe node name of embedded as node.
Elasticsearch HTTP Connection URLThe http connection URL for Elasticsearch.
Elasticsearch HTTP PortThe port on which Elasticsearch REST URI is hosted.
Keystore PasswordElasticsearch keystore password.
Keystore PathElasticsearch keystore file (.p12) path.
Request Timeout in secsRequest Retry Timeout for ElasticSearch connection in seconds.
Enable SecurityIf security is enabled on Elasticsearch, set this to true.
Socket Timeout in secsSocket Timeout for ElasticSearch connection in seconds
Enable SSLSelect the checkbox if SSL is enabled on Elasticsearch
UsernameElasticsearch authentication username.


Solr Zookeeper HostsThe Zookeeper hosts for the Solr server.
Solr Configuration VersionSolr version number to create the zookeeper config node path for solr data.