Pub/Sub Data Source

The configuration for Pub/Sub data source is mentioned below:

Connection NameSelect the connection name for creating connection.
Override CredentialsUnchecked by default, check mark the checkbox to override credentials for user specific actions.
Service Account Key Files

Upload the Service Account File.

User has an option to test the connection.

Topic NameMention the topic name where the data will be published.
Auto-create Subscription NameSelect checkbox to auto-create subscription name. Or else; enter Subscription name.
Max SizeEnter value for number of messages to be received in one request.


  • You can add further configuration by clicking on the ADD CONFIGURATION button.

  • The Fetch from Source will work only if the topic and subscription name exist and has some data already published in it.

  • Multiple Emitters to Pubsub source are supported only when auto-create subscription name is enabled.
