Field Splitter Processor

The Field Splitter splits string data based on a regular expression and passes the separated data to new fields. Use the Field Splitter to split complex string values into logical components.

Field Splitter splits string data based on a regular expression and passes the separated data to new fields. Use the Field Splitter to split complex string values into logical components.

For example, if a field contains an error code and error message separated by a comma, you can use the comma to separate the code and message into different fields.

Field Splitter Processor Configuration

To add Field Splitter processor to your pipeline, drag the processor onto the canvas and right-click on it to configure as explained below:

Field To SplitField on which splitting is to be applied.
SeparatorDelimiter used for separating field.
New Split FieldsColumns in which fields will be split.
Not Enough Split

It has two options Continue and Send to error.

Error Log TargetSelect Target where you want to send data which failed to process in the pipeline.
Queue NameName of the queue where data will be published.
Connection NameConnection name for creating connection.
Too Many Splits

When a field has too many splits, the Field Splitter can include all the remaining data in the last listed split field, or it can write the additional splits to a specified list field.

It has two options: Put Remaining in the last field or Store Remaining in New Field.

If Store Remaining in New Field is selected as a Field then remaining split options will be visible.

Original Field

The field that has splitting applied on it.

Whether you want to keep or remove the field. It has two options Remove or Keep.
