JDBC Container Processor

JDBC Container allows you to perform- Read, Aggregation, Merge and Write operations, by using this processor over an oracle connection.

A JDBC Container allows the implementation of a retention policy as well. Retention policy lets you cleanse/delete unwanted data suing a retention period.

You can also apply checksum in case of aggregation to avoid duplicity of records.

JDBC-Container Processor Configuration

To add a JDBC Container Processor to your pipeline, drag the processor onto the canvas and right-click on it to configure.

Connection NameProvide a oracle connection name for creating a connection.
Table NameExisting table name of specified database.
Output Mode

Output mode is used to what data will be written to a streaming sink when there is new data available.

In case of Upsert the item with existing ids gets updated and if it does not exist, it gets created, that is called, Insert.

Enable RetentionWhen selected, each newly created item lives for the number of seconds specified by retention policy. After the expiration time is reached item will be deleted by server.
Retention Policy

Number of days/month for which data is to be retained.

You can select a number and select either DAYS or MONTH as a unit.

Retention ColumnRetention policy on a table will be applicable based on the field selected here.
Record LimitEnable the limit to keep the maximum number of records in the container.
Maximum Number of recordsMaximum Number of records to be retained for each group depending on grouping field criteria.
Grouping FieldField on which ‘GroupBy’ is applied to limit the maximum number of records that is to be retained for specified group.
Write DataWrite the raw or aggregated data from the table.
FieldsSelect the fields for aggregated data i.e., Function, Input Fields and Output fields.
Group ByField of selected message on which group by is applied.
Data Duplication HandlingIf Data Duplication Handling is enabled, already processed data will not be processed again on the basis of selected fields.
FieldsData Duplication handling will be processed on the basis of selected fields.
Schema Results
Table Column NameName of the column populated from the selected Table.
Mapping ValueMap a corresponding value to the column.
Database Data TypeData type of the Mapped Value.
Ignore All

Select the Ignore All check box to ignore all the Schema Results or select a checkbox adjacent to the column to ignore that column from the Schema Results.

Use Ignore All or selected fields while pushing data to emitter.

This will add that field as the part of partition fields while creating the table.

Auto Fill

Auto Fill automatically populates and map all incoming schema fields with the fetched table columns. The left side shows the table columns and right side shows the incoming schema fields.

If same field, as of table column, not found in incoming schema then the first field will be selected by default.

Download MappingIt downloads the mappings of schema fields and table columns in a file.
Upload MappingUploading the mapping file automatically populates the table columns and schema fields.

Configuration Table:

After the configuration is the Mapping page, where you can map the incoming schema in the fetched columns.

Once the configuration is finalized, click Done to save the file.
