
Note: Some of the properties reflected are not feasible with Multi-Cloud version of Gathr. These properties are marked with **

Configuration properties related to Hadoop, i.e. gathr web studio, come under this category. This category is further divided into various sub-categories.


Hive Meta Store URI **Defines the hive metastore URI.
Hive Server2 JDBC URL **Password for HiveServer2 JDBC connection. In case no password is required pass it as empty("").
Hive Server2 Password **Defines the Hive server-2 password.
Hive Warehouse Dir **Defines the warehouse directory path of Hive server.


Hadoop Enable HAHadoop cluster is HA enabled or not.
File System URIThe file system URI. For e.g. - hdfs://hostname:port, hdfs://nameservice, file://, maprfs://clustername
Hadoop UserThe name of user through which the hadoop service is running.
Hadoop DFS Name ServicesThe name service id of Hadoop HA cluster.
Hadoop Namenode 1 DetailsThe RPC Address of namenode1.
Hadoop Namenode 2 DetailsThe RPC Address of namenode2.