Web Studio

Note: Some of the properties reflected are not feasible with Multi-Cloud version of Gathr. These properties are marked with **

Configurations properties related to application server, i.e. Gathr web studio.

This category is further divided into various sub-categories.


Gathr UI HostThe IP address of gathr.
Gathr Installation DirectoryThe installation directory of gathr.
Gathr Web URLThe URL of gathr web studio.
Gathr UI PortThe UI port of gathr.
LogMonitoring UI Host The host address of LogMonitoring.
LogMonitoring UI Port The port of LogMonitoring.
Messaging TypeSpecifies the Message Queuing System that application uses internally for messaging. Possible value is RABBITMQ (for RabbitMQ)
Gathr Monitoring Reporters SupportedThe monitoring reporter type and the possible values should be comma separated graphite, console and logger.
Metric Server Monitoring Metric Server (Graphite or Ambari).


PasswordThe database password.
Driver ClassThe database driver class name.
Connection URLThe database URL for the database.
UserThe database username.
Database DialectThe type of database on which gathr database is created. Possible values are MySQL, PostgreSQL, Oracle.


Host ListThe comma separated list of <IP>:<PORT> of all nodes in zookeeper cluster where configuration will be stored.


Indexer TypeThe default indexer type. For e.g. - Solr or ElasticSearch.
Index Default Replication FactorNumber of additional copies of data to be saved.
Enable Index Default is BatchDefault value for the Batch parameter of indexing.
Index Default Batch SizeDefault batch size for the indexing store.
Enable Index Default Across Field SearchSearch without specifying column names, takes extra space and time.
Index Default Number of ShardsNumber of shards to be created in index store.
Index Default Routing RequiredThe default value for the Routing parameter of indexing.
Indexer Default SourceThe default value for the Source parameter of indexing.
Index RetriesThe number of retries for indexing.
Index Retries Interval(in ms)The retries interval for the indexing when ingestion fails.
Indexer time to live in secondsIndexed data older than mentioned time in seconds from current time will not be fetched.


Persistence Store The default persistence type. For e.g. - Hbase, Cassandra.
Persistence Default Is batch Enable Defines if by default batching should be enabled in persistence.
Persistence Default Batch Size The batch size for the persistence store.
Persistence Default Compression The default compression type for the persistence store.


User Authentication SourceOptions available for login into Gathr application:
- Okta
- Gathr Metastore

To authenticate user’s credentials while logging in to Gathr application, user can opt to authenticate login credentials using LDAP server, Okta, or Gathr metastore.

Note: If configured with LDAP, user trying to login into the application should exist in LDAP server.

Similarly, for enabling SSO (Single Sign On) in Gathr, choose Okta as (Service provider)/User Authentication Source to verify the login credentials for application.

Upon logging into the environment, you will be redirected to Okta sign in page.

Provide the username and password that is configured in LDAP.


The prerequisites for Okta authentication are:

In the LDAP server Group user mapping must be done accurately.

For example, emailID, givenName.

For Okta account, Application configuration, Application’s access management and LDAP directory integration must be done.

Initially, the Gathr Role and LDAP role mapping should be done by login in the application in the embedded mode with superuser credentials and make the required changes.

All the parameters including cn, sn, givenName, mail, uid, userPassword must be configured:

So, mapping in LDAP is done by configuring LDAP Active Directory into Okta via. Okta agent that fetches the details from LDAP and the details are mapped in Okta.

SSO in Okta


  • Single Sign-On authentication allows users to login with a single ID within the software application without managing multiple accounts and passwords thus making it easier for admins to manage all users and privileges with one centralized admin dashboard.

  • Configure Gathr application in Okta by providing Client credentials including details such as Client ID and secret key. User will be required to provide the details for Gathr application Access Management in Okta.


  • User will be required to install Okta Agent to be able to establish interaction between Okta and LDAP server. (The Okta agent can be installed in gathr/client end application, from where it can access the details of Gathr application).


  • Once Okta Agent is configured, provide LDAP server details.

User Authorization SourceSpecify user’s authorization mechanism, accordingly user will be assigned appropriate role in the gathr webstudio. Possible values are LDAP and gathr Metastore. Default value is gathr Metastore.

Choose LDAP as User Authorization Source (defining the assigned roles within application.
Example: superuser, custom user, workspace admin) if Okta is used for authentication.
Superuser(Seed User) Authentication SourceSuperuser authentication source needs to be selected. Currently, only gathr Metastore is supported as authentication source for Superuser.

RT Dashboard

SuperAdmin PasswordThe super admin password (Required to access the Dashboard UI).
ReportClient pathThe path of ReportClient.properties required to connect with Report Engine.
Connection NameThe connection name created for gathr in Dashboard.
Organization IDThe name of organization for gathr in Intellicus.
SuperAdmin User IDThe Dashboard super user Username to access the Intellicus via UI.
SuperAdmin OrganizationThe Dashboard superuser organization name, required to access Intellicus via UI.
Gathr URLThe dashboard web admin URL, used for showing Dashboard UI from within gathradmin.


Databricks EnabledTo enable Databricks on this environment.
Databricks Instance URLDatabricks Instance URL to connect databricks account and access it over REST calls.
Databricks Authentication TokenDatabricks Access token provided here will be associated with superuser account for gathr. It will be saved as encrypted text.
Databricks DBFS Upload Jar PathDBFS Path for the gathr specific jars and files.
Maximum Polling Time (in minutes)Maximum Polling Time.
Polling IntervalPolling Interval (in seconds).
Databricks Mediator Service URLThis is gathr web service URL for Databricks.


EMR EnabledTo enable EMR on this environment.
Jar Upload PathS3 Path for the gathr specific jars and files.
Log URIS3 Path for creating Logs for EMR Cluster launched by gathr.
EMR Mediator Service URLThis is gathr webservice URL for EMR.
Connect UsingConnect to the EMR cluster by using either AWS Keys or with the Instance Profile.
AWS KeyAWS Access key to the associated gathr superuser account.
AWS Secret KeyAWS Access key to the associated superuser account for gathr. It will be saved as encrypted text.
Instance ProfileAWS Instance Profile to the associated superuser account for gathr.
AWS RegionThe region that the AWS EMR is to be launched in.


GCP EnabledOption to enable GCP on the environment.
GCS Jar Upload PathGCS path URI where gathr jars and files are stored.
GCS Config BucketGCS bucket where gathr configurations are stored.
Dataproc Service URLURL for Gathr Dataproc REST service.
GCP RegionsProvide comma-separated region name(s) where the GCP cluster is to be launched. Provide values in lower case.
GCP ServiceAccount Key JSON File PathProvide the GCP ServiceAccount Key JSON File Path.

IBM Conductor

Dataproc Service URLURL for Gathr Dataproc REST service.
GCS Log URIGCS path URI where gathr pipeline logs are stored.
GCS Jar Upload PathGCS path URI where gathr jars and files are stored.
GCP EnabledCheck the option to enable GCP.

IBM Conductor

IBM EnabledOption to enable IBM conductor spark execution on this environment.
Gathr IBM Service URLThis is Gathr web service URL from IBM.
