Steps to Register Container Image

Steps to Register Container Image

The user can register a container image by clicking at the top right + icon.

Configure the container image by providing the following details:

Field NameDescription
Image NameProvide a unique name of container to be registered.
DescriptionProvide container image description.
TagsCustom tags for the container image can be added.
Image URIURI registered on container registry and accessible to the cluster must be provided.
IDEThe IDE options that are selected here will be available during Sandbox configuration.
Upload Docker FileAn option to upload the docker file for user’s reference.
Upload YAML [Zip]

A zip file containing supported YAML’s for the image can be uploaded.

Once the YAML file is uploaded, the user can view details of the uploaded file by clicking on the View YAML File icon.

Note: To know more about the YAML files upload, see Upload YAML Example given after the table.

Upload YAML Example

Consider the below points for YAML file upload:

  • Upload file with .zip extension.

  • It should directly contain the valid YAML files.

  • Use below expressions to populate YAML fields at runtime during sandbox configuration:

    “@{<kind>:<field path>}” - The expression used to refer the specified field from any other YAML file.


In “@{}” expression, the first part “deployment” is kind (i.e., type of YAML) and the next part “” is the field that is supposed to be fetched from the specified YAML type.

${value:"",label:""} - The expression used to display a dynamic field label along with a default value, which is editable.


${value:“sandbox-«UUID»",label:“Enter Sandbox Name”}

Field label will be: Enter Sandbox Name and default value will be: sandbox-A123.

“«UUID»” - This expression is used to generate a unique ID for a specific field.


  • name: BASE_PATH

value: “/«UUID»”

In the above YAML configuration snippet, the BASE_PATH will always have a unique value generated via the “/«UUID»” expression.

Click REGISTER to complete the process. The registered image will appear on the listing page.
