BigQuery Data Source

The configuration for BIGQUERY is mentioned below:

Connection NameConnections are the service identifiers. Mention the connection name for creating connection.
Override Credentials

Unchecked by default, check the checkbox to override credentials for user specific actions.

Load From Big Query Table/ Load From Query ResultsChoose one of the options.

Upon selecting Load From Big Query option, update the below fields:

Dataset NameUpon choosing, ‘Load From Big Query Table’, the user is required to provide the dataset name.
Table NameUpon choosing, ‘Load From Big Query Table’, provide the table name.
Project ID of DatasetUpon choosing, ‘Load From Big Query Table’, provide the Google Cloud project ID. If not specified, the project from the service account key of connection will be used.
Columns to FetchUpon choosing, ‘Load From Big Query Table’, enter vale for comma separated list of columns to select.
Where ConditionUpon choosing, ‘Load From Big Query Table’, enter the where condition.
Partition Filter ConditionUpon choosing, ‘Load From Big Query Table’, enter the partition filter condition.

Load From Query Results

Upon selecting this option, the user will be required to mention, ‘Location of Datasets used in the query’.

QueryQuery to be executed in BigQuery.
Location of DatasetProvide location of the dataset used in query. Eg: US or US-WEST1.
Maximum ParallelismMention the maximum number of partitions to split the data into.
Add ConfigurationThe user can add further configurations.
Schema ResultsUnder schema results, select the Big Query Dataset name and Big Query Table Name.

Under details the user will be able to view the:

Table of Expiration

Number of Rows

Last Modified

Data Location

Table ID

Table Size


Table SchemaTable schema details can be viewed here.

Next, in the Detect Schema window, the user can set the schema as dataset by clicking on the Save As Dataset checkbox. Click Next. The user can set the Incremental Read option.

Enable Incremental ReadCheck this checkbox to enable the incremental read support.
Column to CheckSelect a column on which incremental read will work. Displays the list of columns that has integer, long, date, timestamp and decimal type of values.
Start ValueMention the value of reference column. Only the records whose value of the reference column is greater than this value will be read.
Read Control Type

Provides 3 options to control how data will be fetched:

None, Limit by Count and Limit by Value.

None: All the records with value of reference column greater than offset will be read.

Limit By Count: Mentioned no. of records will be read with the value of reference column greater than offset will be read.

Limit By Value: All the records with value of reference column greater than offset and less than Column Value field will be read.

For None and Limit by count it is recommended that table should have data in sequential and sorted (increasing) order.
