Jira Data Source

JIRA data source allows you to retrieve information from issues based on a SQL query or from projects based on the specified configurations.

Data Source Configuration

To add a Jira data source into your pipeline, drag the Data Source to the canvas and click on it to configure.

Connection Name: Connections are the service identifiers. A connection name can be selected from the list if you have created and saved connection details for JIRA earlier.

Search Type: The options available in Search Type are:

Query: It can be selected to read the desired data from JIRA issues by providing SQL query.

Parameters: It can be selected to read data from specific projects, issue types and fields.

If the preferred option is Query, an additional field for providing query will be displayed.

Query: Query to be executed in JIRA.


project = <project_id> AND issuetype IN ( 'Bug','Task') 

If the preferred option is Parameter, then proceed by updating the following fields.

Project Name: Project name(s) should be selected to read data from the available user projects. Select IN to include or NOT IN to exclude the selected project names.

Issue Type: Issue Type(s) should be selected to read data from the available Issue Types. Select IN to include or NOT IN to exclude the selected Issue Types.

Expand String: The expand parameter for the Work Item attributes.

At present, only fields are supported.

Fields: Option to read data from the selected fields. The fields displayed in this parameter are specific to the projects selected above.

Pre Action

Configure Pre-Action in Source →.

Jira Incremental Configuration

In JIRA data source, the option for incremental read can be enabled or disabled. Based on the selection, configure each field as explained below:

Incremental Read: The options available in Incremental Read are:

Enable: It can be selected to read the desired data incrementally from the specified column as per the input start date.

Disable: It can be selected to read the data within a specific range by providing the start date and end date.

Column: The timestamp field should be selected on which the condition to fetch data will be applied as per the incremental read type.

Start Date: Records with timestamp value greater than or equal to the specified start date will be fetched at the runtime.

End Date: Records with timestamp value less than or equal to the specified end date will be fetched at the runtime.

Click Done to save the configuration.

Configure Pre-Action in Source →
