
This component is supported in Gathr on-premise.

Connection NameConnection name of the created connection for Neo4j.
Batch ReadCheck the option to enable the batch processing.
Database NameName of the database from which data will be read.
Read ModeSelect one of the below option to fetch the records from Neo4j database. The available options are explained below.
Cypher QueryOptions to provide a cypher query. Example: CREATE (n:Person {fullName: + event.surname}).
NodesYou can read nodes by specifying a single label, or multiple labels. Label list can be specified with starting colon. Example, :Person:Customer

Upon selecting Relationship option, the below fields are available:

RelationshipOption to define type of relationship. Specify the mapping detail, the source node, and the target node label as explained below.
MappingCheck the option to control the result format by the mapping option. The result format can be controlled by the Default is false.
Source NodesProvide source nodes column. Example: MATCH (source:Person)-[rel: BOUGHT]->(target:Product) RETURN source, rel, target. Here, source:Person.
Target NodesProvide target nodes column. Example: MATCH (source:Person)-[rel: BOUGHT]->(target:Product) RETURN source, rel, target. Here target:Product.

Remaining common fields are as below:

Schema Flatten LimitNumber of records to be used to create the schema.
Schema StrategyStrategy used by the connector in order to compute the schema definition for the dataset. Possible values are String and Sample.
PartitionsThis defines the parallelization level while pulling data from Neo4j.
ADD CONFIGURATIONOption to add further configurations by providing the key-value pair.

If you have unchecked Batch option, the below fields will appear in case of streaming dataset case:

Streaming FromThis option is used to trigger the connector from where to send data to the stream. You can select NOW (Starts reading from the current timestamp.) or All (Sends all the data to the database to the stream before reading the data).
Incremental Read PropertyThe timestamp property name used for incremental reading.

You have an option to add Environment parameters as mentioned below:


ADD PARAMSOption to add further environment parameters by providing the key-value pair.

Rename Column Name

In certain scenarios if the Column Name has special characters, you can use the Rename processor available in gathr.


Under the Detect Schema screen, select the Rename processor and join it with Neo4j source. Configure it by providing the desired column name as against the existing column name that contains special characters. Click Next for to see the renamed column name.


As shown below, the column name is updated.

