HTTP Emitter

The HTTP target can emit the extracted or transformed data to HTTP and HTTPS resources.

HTTP Emitter Configuration

To add an HTTP emitter into your pipeline, drag the emitter on the canvas and connect it to a Data Source or processor. The configuration settings of the HTTP emitter are as follows:

URIHTTP or HTTPS URI to send request to a resource.
The URL defined can either be provided with actual values or can be parameterized. The placeholders in case of parameterized inputs will be resolved during runtime as per the value of column name existing in the URL.
Example: http://localhost:1234/${column-name-1}/{column-name-2}
Method TypeYou can choose a request method type based on the HTTP URL.
The following method types are supported:
GET: Use this method to retrieve information from the given server using a URI. The GET requests will only retrieve data without having any other effect on the data.
POST: Use this method to send data to the server using HTML forms.
PUT: Use this method to replace all current representations of the target resource with the uploaded content.
DELETE: Use this method to remove all current representations of the target resource given by a URI.
Enable SSLThis option can be selected as True if SSL is enabled on Http. It is set to False by default.
If selected as true, keystore/certificate file needs to be uploaded or the keystore file path should be provided in the respective configuration fields.
Keystore select optionOption to choose between a certificate file or a keystore file that you will need to upload for authenticating SSL connectivity.
HeaderHeader’s parameter name and value.
Accept TypeThe content type that the URI accepts should be selected out of JSON, CSV or Text.
Auth Type

Used to specify the authorization type associated with the URL.

Includes None, Basic, Token and OAuth2 as authorization types.

All the types are explained below in detail.

None: This option specify that URL can be accessed without any authentication.

Basic: This option specify that accessing URL requires Basic Authorization. Provide user name and password for accessing the URL.

Token Based: Token-based authentication is a security technique that authenticates the users who attempts to log in to a server, a network, or other secure system, using a security token provided by the server.

Oauth2: It is an authentication technique in which application gets a token that authorizes access to the user’s account.

If Auth Type is selected as Basic, proceed by providing inputs for below parameters:

UsernameEnter the user name for accessing the URI.
PasswordEnter the password for accessing the URl.

If Auth Type is selected as Token, proceed by providing inputs for below parameters:

Token IDKey with which token is referred in request.
TokenToken which is provided in order to access the URL.

If Auth Type is selected as OAuth2, proceed by providing inputs for below parameters:

Client IDClient ID identifier, given to client during application registration process.
Secret KeyThe secret key provided to the client during application registration process.
Auth URLThe endpoint for authorization server, which retrieves authorization code.
HeaderUsed to specify the headers associated with Auth Url, through which authorization code is generated.

After providing the details for the selected Auth Type, continue to configure the HTTP Emitter.

Message NameThe name of the message configuration which will act as a metadata for the actual data.
Output FieldsFields that need to be a part of the output data should be selected.

For creating a customized payload, please use the Custom Payload option.
Custom PayloadOption to provide the customized payload.
PayloadProvide the payload in the format that supports the Accept Type field.
Example: If Accept Type field is selected as JSON, then provide the payload as per the sample given below:
{“emp_id” : ${id}, “emp_name” : $name}
will be evaluated to
{“emp_id” : 1, “emp_name” : John}
Enable Request RateControl the rate at which HTTP calls are made on each partition.

Example: For a client, the API hit rate limit is set to 40 calls/sec. Add a repartition processor before HTTP emitter and provide the partitioning value as 10. Now, set the rate limit to 4 requests per second, which will apply to each partition. This means 10 parallel partitions will be working with 4 requests per second on each partition allowing 40 requests per second on the HTTP emitter.