Alert Processor

Alert processor notifies users about the occurrence of a specific event during pipeline execution as configured by the user.

Alert Processor Configuration

To add an Alert processor to your pipeline, drag the processor to the canvas and right-click on it to configure.

Alert NameSpecify a name for the alert. The alert is triggered with this name when the criteria is met.
Alert Type

Depending upon the severity of the alert, you can provide an Alert Type.

- General: low severity

- Critical: high severity


To enable or disable the alert.

If enabled, alerts are generated based on the criteria specified.

If disabled, no alerts are generated.


It accumulates incoming records for a specific window interval.

You can enable or disable the Aggregation property.

- Enabled: When Aggregation is selected, a single alert is generated for a specific time window and frequency when it matches the alert criteria.

- Disabled: When Aggregation is deselected, alert is generated every time whenever it matches the alert criteria. 

Occurs/frequencyNumber of occurrences of a repeating event.
times inWindow duration of the event.

Grouping field appears only if Aggregation checkbox is selected.

Suppose you want to generate an alert for a device when its temperature goes above 1000 F, for 5 times in the last 30 seconds.

You start by specifying the Alert criteria as: temperature > 1000 F

Then select the Aggregation checkbox and specify values as occurs “5” times in “30”seconds.


The system will check for the specified criteria and verify the devices one by one.

You are receiving temperatures for device MAC001, and if it registers more than 1000 F for 5 times in 30 seconds, the system will generate the alert once.

If both Aggregation and Grouping fields are not selected, and criteria specified is: “temperature > 1000 F”. Alert will be generated every time whenever condition is met.

ADD CONFIGURATIONEnables to configure additional properties.

Click on the NEXT button. Specify the Alert criteria here.


Criteria provides the condition for the Alert to be generated. Multiple condition on same or different fields can be configured and operations (AND & OR) can be applied to them as well. Supported conditions for creating an expression are as follows (applicable as per data type – Text/Number/Decimal):

If you select text field, following function will appear

- contains

- does not contain

- starts with

- does not start with

- ends with

- does not end with

- equals

- not equal to

- less than

Add Group/ Add RuleMultiple rules and groups can be configured on same or different message fields.
Send AlertsSpecify email address to which notifications should be sent when an alert is generated. You can send mail to multiple recipients with CC and BCC fields.
FrequencyOccurrence of filter condition when specified rule criteria is met.

Click on the NEXT button. Enter the notes in the space provided.

Click Save to save the configuration details.

View Generated Alerts

To view generated Alerts, go to your Workspace > Alerts > Information.

  • The bell icon on top right of the page shows notifications of alerts generated. For example, if you see 1 next to bell icon, it indicates 1 alert is generated.

  • If you click on the bell icon, you can view the alerts generated. The system will display last twenty alerts at a time.

Refresh Interval: The time interval after which you want to refresh or reload the page. For example, if refresh interval is 5 minutes, page will be refreshed after 5 minutes.


The following two types of actions can be performed on the Alerts.

  1. View Description: The Alert description entered at the time of the Alert creation can be viewed by clicking on the eye icon.

  2. View Message Source: The source record for which the alert is generated can be viewed by clicking on the View Message Source icon.
