Drools Processor

Using Drools Processor we can perform rules based processing on incoming data using Drools Rule Engine.

To use this processor user needs to create a jar either manually or using Drools Workbench (Kie Jar) and upload it on the processor.

Drool Processor Configuration

To add a Drools processor into your pipeline, drag the processor to the canvas and right-click on it to configure.

Drool SourceSpecify the Drool Jar source i.e. If drools jar is created using Workbench then select Kie JAR radio button else select Other JAR
Upload FileUpload the jar whose type is selected in drools source.
Select FilesIf the Drools Source is Other JAR then this option will list all files relevant to Drool and found in the JAR file uploaded. Select the files that you want to use in pipeline.
Fact Class NamesThis displays all the Fact classes auto detected from the Uploaded Jar file. Select the Fact classes you want to use in the pipeline. If the Fact Class Name is not displayed in drop-down that you want to use then you can manually type its fully qualified class name here.
Output Fact ClassThis is the Final Fact class whose data will be moved to next component in the pipeline. Select the fact class that you want to process further.
ADD CONFIGURATIONEnables to configure additional properties.