Schema Flattener Processor

By using Schema Flattener user can flatten the incoming JSON as per the meta data which is provided by using a S3/RDS/Upload feature.

Meta JSON Source

The Meta JSON files will be fetched from the source. Pipeline restart will be required once the source file is updated. User can select one of the below options and provide further required configurations:

- S3



Upon selecting S3 as Meta JSON Source, provide the below details:

S3 ConnectionSelect the connection name for creating a connection.
S3 Bucket NameProvide the S3 bucket name.
S3 PathProvide S3 bucket path.
S3 Protocol

Select the S3 protocol from the drop down list.

Below protocols are supported for various versions:

- For HDP versions, S3a protocol is supported.

- For CDH versions, S3a protocol is supported.

- For Apache versions, S3n protocol is supported.

- For GCP, S3n and S3a protocol is supported.

- For EMR S3, S3n, and S3a protocol is supported.

- For AWS Databricks, s3a protocol is supported.

Remove Name SpaceUser has an option to remove name space by choosing Yes/No from the drop down.
Error Column

User can optionally add a new column that will contain error/null values.

Note: User can add further configurations by clicking at the ADD CONFIGURATION button.

Upon selecting RDS as Meta JSON Source, provide the below details:

RDS ConnectionProvide the RDS connection name for creating a connection.
Schema NameProvide the schema name.
Table NameProvide the table name.
Meta Data NameProvide the name for metadata column.
Remove Name SpaceUser has an option to remove name space by choosing Yes/No from the drop down.
Error Column

User can optionally add a new column that will contain error/null values.

Upon selecting UPLOAD META FILE as Meta JSON Source, provide the below details:

Upload FileUpload the meta file.
Remove Name SpaceUser has an option to remove name space by choosing Yes/No from the drop down.
Error Column

User can optionally add a new column that will contain error/null values.
