Version Control

Go to Setup from the main menu and click on the Version Control tab.

Version Control

Provide values for the following properties:

Version Control SystemGathr Metastore: In case of SAX metastore pipeline will be saved on the file system.
GIT: In case of GIT user pipeline will be pushed to GIT after version is created.
In case of GIT, following properties will be populated.
Repositories Local PathRepository local path is a file in local file system where GIT clone will place the files in the file system.
Upon selecting Gathr Matastore as Version Control System provide details of the below fields
please select auth type.Select authentication type from the below options:
- ssh
- credentials
Upon selecting ssh auth type provide the below detail:
uploadUpload ssh private key
Upon selecting credential auth type provide the below detail:
credentialProvide username or email id of git user. Provide the password for git.
Note: For bitbucket, provide username.
Upon selecting Git as Version Control System provide details of the below fields.
Repositories Local PathProvide the repositories local path where git clone will place the repos on file system.
please select auth typeSelect authentication type from the below options:
- ssh
- credentials
Upon selecting ssh auth type provide the below detail:
uploadUpload ssh private key
Upon selecting credential auth type provide the below detail:
credentialProvide username or email id of git user. Provide the HTTP password for git.
HTTP URLProvide the HTTP URL of remote git repository.
BranchBranch name where push operation will be performed to perform clone operation.
SAVE/CLONESave or Clone the Branch name.