Create Connections

A superuser can create new connections using the Connections tab. To add a new connection, follow the below steps:

  • Login as a Superuser.

  • Go to Connections page.

  • Click on Add Connection.

Select the component from the drop-down list for which you wish to create a connection.



For creating an ADLS connection, select ADLS from the Component Type drop-down list and provide connection details as explained below:

Component TypeShows all the available connections. Select ADLS from the drop-down list.
Connection NameProvide a connection name to create the connection.
Account NameProvide the valid storage account name.
Authentication Type

Select authentication type. The available options are mentioned below:

- Azure AD

- Access Key

- Credential Passthrough

Upon selecting Azure AD, provide the below fields:

Client IDProvide a valid client ID.
Secret ClientProvide a valid client secret password.
Directory IDProvide a valid directory ID.

Upon selecting Access Key, provide the below fields:

Account KeyProvide a valid storage account key.

The Credential Passthrough option allows you to authenticate automatically to Azure Data Lake Storage from Azure Databricks clusters using the identity that you use to log in to Azure Databricks.


For creating a AWS IoT connection, select AWS IoT from the Component Type drop-down list and provide connection details as explained below.

Component TypeShows all the available connections. Select AWS IoT Component type from the list.
Connection NameName of the connection. For example, AWSIoT.
AWS KeyIdThis is the AWS Key i.e. the credential to connect to AWS console.
Secret Access KeyThis is AWS secret access key, to access AWS services.
Client EndPointAWS IoT Client End Point, which is unique for IoT.
Role ARNUser role ARN. It is used to create rules.
RegionAWS Region.
Connection ClientIdAny stream name.

Azure Blob

For creating a Azure Blob connection, select Aure Blob from the Component Type drop-down list and provide connection details as explained below:

Component TypeShows available connections.
Connection NameName of the connection. For example, Cassandra.
Azure Blob Connection StringAzure Blob connection String.


For creating a Cassandra connection, select Cassandra from the Component Type drop-down list and provide connection details as explained below:

Component TypeShows available connections.
Connection NameName of the connection. For example, Cassandra
HostsHosts name and ports of Cassandra machine (comma separated).
Connection RetriesNumber of retries for component connection.
Authentication EnabledEnable if authentication is enabled in Cassandra.
UsernameUsername for Cassandra data store authentication
PasswordPassword for Cassandra data store authentication
Test Connection

After entering all the details, click on the Test Connection button.

If credentials are correct, a successful connection message is generated.

If you enter wrong credentials or server is down, you will get the a Connection unavailable message.


For creating a Cosmos connection, select Cosmos from the Component Type drop-down list and provide connection details as explained below:

Component TypeShows all the available connections.
Connection NameName of the connection.
Cosmos Endpoint URIEnd point URI of Azure Cosmos DB Account.
KeyProvide the Azure Cosmos DB Key.
Consistency Level

Consistency levek in Azure Cosmos DB.

If the user selects Default option then the Cosmos DB account level consistency will be used as configured on the azure portal of Cosmos DB. User can alternately select the Eventual consistency option for read operations instead of using the default account level consistency.


After entering all the details, click on the Test Connection button.

If credentials are correct, a successful connection message is generated.

If you enter wrong credentials or server is down, you will get the a Connection unavailable message.


For creating a Couchbase connection, select Couchbase from the Component Type drop-down list and provide connection details as explained below:

Component TypeShows available connections.
Connection NameName of the connection.
HostsHosts name and ports of Couchbase machine (comma separated).
UsernameUsername for Couchbase datastore authentication.
PasswordPassword for Couchbase datastore authentication.
Test Connection

After entering all the details, click on the Test Connection button.

If credentials are correct, a successful connection message is generated.

If you enter wrong credentials or server is down, you will get the a Connection unavailable message.


For creating an Elasticsearch connection, select Elasticsearch from the Component Type drop-down list and provide connections details as explained below.

Component TypeShows available connections. Select EFS Component type from the list.
Connection NameConnection name to create.
Directory PathEnter mounted root directory EFS.


For creating an Elasticsearch connection, select Elasticsearch from the Component Type drop-down list and provide connections details as explained below.

Component TypeShows available connections. Select Elasticsearch Component type from the list.
Connection NameName of the connection. For example, Elasticsearch
HostsHosts name and ports of Elasticsearch machine.
http PortPort number where elastic search is running.
ZoneDefines the zone of Elastic Search cluster.
Cluster NameThe name of the cluster to which elastic search will connect.
Connection Timeout secsMaximum time taken by the client to connect to the Elasticsearch server (unit seconds).
Socket Timeout secsIf the continuous incoming data flow did not occur for a specified period of time, socket timeout connection occurs (unit seconds).
Request Retry Timeout secsSets the maximum timeout in case of multiple retries of same request.
Enable SecurityEnable X-Pack security plugin for Elasticsearch authentication.
Enable SSLIf security is enabled on Elasticsearch, set this to true.
Keystore select option

Specify keystore path: Specify the Elasticsearch keystore file (.p12) path.

Upload keystore path: Upload the Elasticsearch keystore file (.p12) path.

Keystore file pathMention the Elasticsearch keystore file (.p12) path.
Keystore passwordKeystore password.
Enable AuthenticationSelect the checkbox if Authentication is enabled on Elasticsearch.
UsernameElasticsearch authentication username.
PasswordElasticsearch authentication password.


To access GCP services, it is mandatory to Generate Service Account Key with below permission for read and write.

Big query:

For the BigQuery Data Sources and Emitters to run successfully in Gathr applications, the following permissions/policy actions should be assigned in Google Cloud:

  • bigquery.datasets.get








  • bigquery.tables.create

  • bigquery.tables.create

  • bigquery.tables.getData

  • bigquery.tables.list

  • bigquery.tables.update

  • bigquery.tables.updateData

  • storage.buckets.get

  • storage.buckets.create

  • storage.buckets.list

  • storage.objects.create

  • storage.objects.delete

  • storage.objects.get

  • storage.objects.list


For the GCS Data Sources and Emitters to run successfully in Gathr applications, the following permissions/policy actions should be assigned in Google Cloud:

  • storage.buckets.get

  • storage.buckets.create

  • storage.buckets.list

  • storage.objects.create

  • storage.objects.delete

  • storage.objects.get

  • storage.objects.list


Component TypeThe selected component type is reflected here which is GCP in this case.
Connection NameMention the connection name.
Service Account KeyUpload the service account key.

After entering all the details, click on the Test Connection button to validate if the connection is running properly.

Click on Create button to save the changes.

For using GCP Connection in gathr, generate service account key.

See the sub-topic Generate Service Account Key to know the steps required for generating Service Account ID and Service Account Key for upload.

Generate Service Account Key


You must have a Google account to access the GCP services.

Steps required to generate service account key

Follow these steps in GCP to allow Gathr the access to your GCP Component:

  • Create a Service Account and key

  • Enable the required APIs

Each of these steps are explained below:

Steps to generate Service Account ID and Key:

  1. Use the below link to access/create Google account.

  2. Sign in to GCP.

  3. Create a new project to proceed further. Else, use any existing project to continue.

  4. Navigate to IAM & Admin section and click on the Service Accounts option.

  5. On the Service Accounts page, click on the CREATE SERVICE ACCOUNT option as shown below:

    generate service account key01

  6. Provide the service account details and click CREATE AND CONTINUE.

    generate service account key02

  7. (Optional steps) Grant the service account access to project and users.

    generate service account key03

    Click Done.

  8. The created service account will be listed on the Service accounts page along with the available ones (if any).

    This Service Account ID should be provided in Gathr during the GCP connection configuration.

    generate service account key04

    Click on the ellipses under Actions and select Manage Keys.

  9. Click on ADD KEY to create a new key or download an existing key.

    Choose a key type from the available options, JSON or P12, and click CREATE.

    generate service account key05

    The created Private key will be downloaded and saved locally.

    generate service account key06

    This Private Key file should be uploaded in Gathr during the GCP connection configuration.

Enable Google Sheets API and Drive API

  1. Search for APIs & Services on Google console or follow the link given below:

  2. Click on ENABLE APIS AND SERVICES option.

  3. On the API Library page, search and open google sheets api.


  4. On the Google Sheets API page, click on ENABLE.

    A confirmation will appear once the Google Sheets API is enabled.

  5. On the API Library page, search and open google drive api.

  6. On the Google Drive API page, click on ENABLE.

    A confirmation will appear once the Google Drive API is enabled.

Share Spreadsheet with Service Account ID

  1. Navigate to Google Sheets and open a spreadsheet.

  2. Share you Google Spreadsheet with the created Service Account.

    generate service account key1

    After completing all the required steps navigate to Gathr console and provide the necessary details to create the connection.

    Click below link to know more about how to create and manage service account keys using the Google Cloud Console.

Google Spreadsheet

For creating Google Spreadsheet connection, select Google Spreadsheet option from the Component Type drop-down list and provide connection details as explained below:

Component TypeSelect the component type from the drop-down list. i.e., Google Spreadsheet in this case.
Connection NameUnique name of the connection to be created.
Service Account IDProvide the google service account ID.
Service Account Key TypePreferred service account key type should be selected for authentication.
Upload FileUpload file with service account credentials as per the service account key type selected above.

See the topic Generate Service Account Key to know the steps required for generating Service Account ID and Service Account Key for upload.

Enable Google Sheets API and Drive API

  1. Search for APIs & Services on Google console or follow the link given below:

  2. Click on ENABLE APIS AND SERVICES option.

  3. On the API Library page, search and open google sheets api.


  4. On the Google Sheets API page, click on ENABLE.

    A confirmation will appear once the Google Sheets API is enabled.

  5. On the API Library page, search and open google drive api.

  6. On the Google Drive API page, click on ENABLE.

    A confirmation will appear once the Google Drive API is enabled.

Share Spreadsheet with Service Account ID

  1. Navigate to Google Sheets and open a spreadsheet.

  2. Share you Google Spreadsheet with the created Service Account.

    generate service account key1

    After completing all the required steps navigate to Gathr console and provide the necessary details to create the connection.

    Click below link to know more about how to create and manage service account keys using the Google Cloud Console.


For creating an Hbase connection, select Hbase from the Component Type drop-down list and provide connections details as explained below.

Component TypeShows all different types of available connections. Select HBase Component type from the list.
Connection NameName of the connection. For example, HBase
HDFS UserHDFS user name.
zK HostZookeeper host name for Hbase cluster.
zK PortZookeeper port for Hbase cluster.
Client Retries NumberNumber of retries for the Hbase Client. For example, 2.
zk Recovery RetryNumber of retries to reconnect to HBase Zookeeper.
zk Parent NodeParent node in Zookeeper for Hbase service metadata.
Table AdministrationEnable this if you want to create table in Hbase.
CreateClick on the Create button to create the connection.
Test Connection

After entering all the details, click on the Test Connection button, if credentials provided are correct, services are up, and running, you will get the message Connection is available.

If you enter wrong credentials or server is down and you click on Test Connection, you will get the message Connection unavailable.


For creating a HDFS connection, select HDFS from the Component Type drop-down list and provide connections details as explained below.

Component TypeShows all different types of available connections. Select HDFS Component type from the list.
Connection NameName of the connection. For example, HDFS.
File System URIFile System URI of the machine where HDFS installed.
UsernameThe name of the user through which Hadoop user is running.
HA EnabledHadoop cluster is HA Enabled or not.
Name Node1 NameNameNode1 identifier/label.
Name Node1 RPC AddressRPC Address of the Name Node1.
Name Node2 NameNameNode2 identifier/label.
Name ServicesName service id of Hadoop cluster.
CreateClick on the Create button to create the connection.
Test Connection

After entering all the details, click on the Test Connection button, if credentials provided are correct, services are up, and running, you will get the message Connection is available.

If you enter wrong credentials or server is down and you click on Test Connection, you will get the message Connection unavailable.

HIVE Emitter

For creating a HIVE Emitter connection, Select HIVE Emitter from the Component Type drop-down list and provide connections details as explained below.

Component TypeShows all the available connections. Select HIVE Emitter Component type from the list.
Connection NameName of the connection.
MetaStore URIThrift URI to connect to HIVE Metastore service.
Hive Server2 URL

Defines the Hive server 2 JDBC URL. i.e. jdbc:hive2://:/default;principal=; ssl=<true/false>;sslTrustStore=;trustStorePassword=;sslKeyStore=; keyStorePassword=; transportMode=<http/binary>;httpPath=cliservice

Please view the note below the table.

HiveServer2 PasswordPassword for HiveServer2 JDBC connection. If there is no password, leave it blank.
FileSystem URIHDFS File System URI
UserNameHDFS User name authorized to access the services.
HA EnabledCheck this option, if Name Node of HDFS is HA enabled.
KeyTab Select Option

You can add extra Java options for any Spark Superuser pipeline in following way:

1. Login as Superuser and click on Data Pipeline and edit any pipeline.

Upload key tab file: Enables to upload Key tab file for authentication.

Depending on the option selected. 

Specify keytab file pathIf the option selected is Specify** Keytab File Path,** system will display the field** KeyTab File Path where you will specify the keytab file location.
Upload key tab fileIf the option selected is Upload** Keytab File**,** system will display the** field** Upload Keytab File that will enable you to upload the keytab file.
Hive Zookeeper Quorum**Zookeeper hosts used by LLAP. For example: host1:2181;host2:2181;host3:2181
Hive Daemon Service Hosts**Application name for LLAP service. For example @llap0
Hive Warehouse Load Staging Directory**Temp directory for batch writes to Hive. For e.g /tmp
Table AdministrationEnable this if you want to create table in Hive Emitter.
CreateClick on the Create button to create the connection.
Test Connection

After entering all the details, click on the Test Connection button.

If credentials are correct, a successful connection message is generated.

If you enter wrong credentials or server is down, you will get the a Connection unavailable message.

The value of Hive Server2 URL will be the value of HiveServer2 Interactive JDBC url (given the in the screenshot). In the HDP 3.1.0 deployment, this is an additional property:

HiveServer2 Interactive JDBC URL: The value is as mentioned below:



For creating an IBM MQ connection, select IBM MQ from the Component Type drop-down list and provide connections details as explained below:

Component TypeShows all different types of available connections. Select IBM MQ Component type from the list.
HostsHost or IP address of IBM MQ to create connection.
Queue Manager NameIBM MQ queue manager name.
sax.label.comp.channelNameIBM MQ channel name.
sax.label.comp.applicationNameIBM MQ application name.
PortThe port of the database where database is deployed. IBM MQ communication port.
UserNameThe username of IBM MQ to create a connection.
PasswordThe password of IBM MQ to create a connection.


For creating a JDBC connection, select JDBC from the Component Type drop-down list and provide connections details as explained below:

Component TypeShows all different types of available connections. Select JDBC Component type from the list.
Connection NameName of the connection.
Database TypeType of database in which data needs to be dumped. The databases available are: MySQL, POSTGRESQL, ORACLE, MS SQL, DB2, HSQL, TERADATA, Redshift, Delta SQL, SingleStore, Custom.
Database NameThe name of the database to be used.
HostThe host of the machine where database is deployed.
PortThe port of the database where database is deployed.
UserNameThe username of the database.
PasswordThe password of the database.
Enable SSLCheck the box to enable SSL.
SQL SSL PropertiesSQL SSL JDBC driver url additional properties.
Keystore Select OptionChoose form Specify path or upload file options available in the drop-down. Either provide the Keystore File Path or Upload Keystore File based on the option selected.
CreateClick on the Create button to create the connection.
Test Connection

After entering all the details, click on the Test Connection button.

If credentials are correct, a successful connection message is generated.

If you enter wrong credentials or server is down, you will get the a Connection unavailable message..

Upon selecting DeltaSQL as Database Type, the below options will be available.

Driver Class NameProvide details of Driver Class Name to be used.
Connection URLProvide driver connection URL that is to be used.
UsernameProvide the database username that has the access.
PasswordProvide database user password.

If you are utilizing a Databricks cluster then for Driver Class Name and Connection URL provide the below details:


Upon selecting Custom as Database Type, the below options will be available.

Driver Class NameProvide details of Driver Class Name to be used.
Connection URLProvide driver connection URL that is to be used.
UsernameProvide the database username that has the access.
PasswordProvide database user password.
Table List QueryQuery to list table:


MYSQL: Show tables

Oracle: SELECT table_name FROM user_tables

Postgresql: SELECT table_name FROM information_schema.tables WHERE table_schema = ‘SCHEMA_NAME’.

Column List QueryThis query is used to fetch column from the table that your placeholder will replace with the selected table.
Inspect Query

Query to inspect tables:

MSSQL: SELECT TOP < LIMIT > as b * from < QUERY >



Postgresql: SELECT * FROM < QUERY > as alias LIMIT < LIMIT >

Enable Datatype conversion for Incremental ReadSelect this option to provide custom expressions for converting incremental read offset strings to number, date or timestamp. These expressions will be used while creating incremental read query.
Expression for Text to NumberProvide expression to convert string to number.
Expression for Text to DateProvide expression to convert string to date.
Expression for Text to TimestampProvide expression to convert string to timestamp.
Upload JarUpload the connection jar.


For creating a Jira connection, select Jira from the Component Type drop-down list and provide connections details as explained below:

Connection Name: Name of the connection to be created.

Host: The hostname of your JIRA application should be provided.


Email: The email ID registered with your JIRA account should be provided.

Api ID: Token created in JIRA account should be provided to authenticate the connection.

See the sub-topic Generate API Token for JIRA to know the steps required for generating API tokens in JIRA.

After entering all the details, click on the TEST button.

If the connection service identification and authentication details are provided correctly, a success message stating “connection available” is generated. Click on the CREATE button to save the changes.

If the details are incorrect or the server is down, you will get a message “Connection unavailable”.

Generate API Token for JIRA

To authenticate the connection between Gathr and JIRA, you need to create an API token in your JIRA account and provide it in Gathr.

Steps to create an API token in JIRA

  1. Login to your JIRA account and navigate to Account Settings:


  2. Go to Security > Create and manage API tokens.


  3. On the API Tokens page, create an API token.


  4. Provide a label name and proceed to create the API token.


  5. Copy the API token and use it to create the connection in Gathr.



For creating a Kafka connection, select Kafka from the Component Type drop-down list and provide connections details as explained below.

Component TypeShows all the available connections. Select Kafka Component type from the list.
Connection NameName of the connection to be created.
zK HostsDefines the list of comma separated IP port of Zookeeper for creating Kafka topic from gathr UI.
Kafka BrokersList of Kafka nodes against which connections need to be created.
Enable Topic AdministrationEnabling topic administration will allow creation, updation and deletion of a topic.
Enable SSLSelect the check box if connection is to be created with SSL enabled Kafka.
Enable Truststore

Specify Truststore file path or upload Truststore file (in JKS Format).

If option selected is Specify Truststore Path, you will view two additional fields: Truststore Path and Truststore Password.

If option selected is Upload Truststore Path, you will view two additional fields: Upload Truststore File and Truststore Password.

Upload Truststore FileUpload Truststore file by clicking on UPLOAD FILE button.
Truststore PathLocation of the Truststore file.
Truststore PasswordPassword of the Truststore file.
Enable Authentication

Select the checkbox if client authentication is enabled.

if selected, you will view four additional fields: Keystore Select Option, Upload keystore File, Keystore Password and Password.

Keystore Select OptionEither specify keystore file path or upload keystore file (in JKS Format)
Upload Keystore FileEnables to upload keystore file by clicking on UPLOAD FILE button.
Keystore File PathLocation of the keystore file.
Keystore PasswordKeystore password for the Keystore file.
PasswordPassword of the private key in the keystore file.
CreateClick on the Create button to create the connection.
Test Connection

After entering all the details, click on the Test Connection button.

If credentials are correct, a successful connection message is generated.

If you enter wrong credentials or server is down, you will get the a Connection unavailable message.


For creating a Kinesis connection, select Kinesis from the Component Type drop-down list and provide other details required for creating the connection.

Component TypeShows all the available connections. Select Kinesis component type from the list. 
Connection NameName of the connection to be created.
Connect UsingUser has the option to authenticate the Kinesis connection with either AWS Keys or Instance Profile.
Access Key Id   AWS account access key ID.
Secret KeyAWS account secret key.
Instance ProfileAWS Instance will be used to authenticate the connection, if user selects this option to create connection.
CreateClick on the Create** button to create the connection.
Test Connection

After entering all the details, click on the Test Connection button.

If credentials are correct, a successful connection message is generated.

If you enter wrong credentials or server is down, you will get the a Connection unavailable message.

Users can also choose to authenticate Kinesis connections using Instance Profile option.


For creating a KUDU connection, select KUDU from the Component Type drop-down list and provide other details required for creating the connection.

Component TypeShows all the available connections. Select KUDU component type from the list. 
Access Key IdName of the connection to be created.   
HOSTSIP address and port of the machine where KUDU is running.
Test Connection

After entering all the details, click on the Test Connection button.

If credentials are correct, a successful connection message is generated.

If you enter wrong credentials or server is down, you will get the a Connection unavailable message.

Mongo DB

For creating Mongo DB connection, select Mongo DB from the Component Type drop-down list and provide details required for creation the connection.

Component TypeShows different types of available connections. Select Mongo DB from the drop down.
Connection NameName of the connection to be created.
URI FormatSelect URI Format from the drop down for defining connection between Gathr and Mongo DB instance. Use DNS seed to connect with any Mongo DB instance seed list member or else select the Standard option.
Connection URLProvide the driver URL to be used.
Authentication OptionsOption to choose the authentication method. Select either None or Basic AUTH option from the drop-down. If you select Basic AUTH, then provide the below fields:
User NameProvide the database user name with available access.
PasswordProvide the database password.
Add ConfigurationOption to add further configuration is available.


For creating an MQTT connection, select MQTT from the Component Type drop-down list and provide other details required for creating the connection.

Component TypeShows all different types of available connections.
Connection NameName of the connection to be created.
HostIP address of the machine where Socket is running.
PortPort of the machine where Socket is running.
Test Connection

After entering all the details, click on the Test Connection button.

If credentials are correct, a successful connection message is generated.

If you enter wrong credentials or server is down, you will get the a Connection unavailable message.


For creating a Neo4j connection, select Neo4j from the Component Type drop-down list and provide other details required for creating the connection.

Component TypeShows all different types of available connections. Select Neo4j to create its connection.
Connection NameName of the connection to be created.
Neo4j Connection URLProvide the Neo4j component’s connection URL. Ex: Neo4j://localhost:74xx*
Neo4j Authentication TypeOption to select Neo4j authentication type. i.e., Basic.
UsernameUsername to access Neo4j.
PasswordPassword to access Neo4j.
Connection Timeout(in ms)Provide connection timeout in milliseconds.
ADD CONFIGURATIONOption to add further configuration by providing key-value pair.
ADD PARAMOption to add further parameters of the connection.
Test Connection

After entering all the details, click on the Test Connection button.

If credentials are correct, a successful connection message is generated.

If you enter wrong credentials or server is down, you will get the a Connection unavailable message.


For creating an OpenJMS connection, select OpenJMS from the Component Type drop-down list and provide other details required for creating the connection.

Component TypeShows all the available connections.
Connection NameName of the connection to be created.
Connection FactoryA connection factory is an object that a JMS client uses to create a connection with OpenJMS.
HostIP address of the machine where Socket is running.
PortPort of the machine where Socket is running.
Test Connection

After entering all the details, click on the Test Connection button.

If credentials are correct, a successfull connection message is generated.

If you enter wrong credentials or server is down, you will get the a Connection unavailable message.


For creating a RedShift connection, select RedShift from the Component Type drop-down list and provide other details required for creating the connection.

Component TypeShows all different types of available connections.Select RedShift** Component type from the list. 
Connection NameName of the connection to be created.
Driver TypeDefine Driver version for Redshift.
Database NameName of the Database to be used.
HostHostname of the machine where Redshift cluster is running.
PortPort number on which redshift cluster is listening.
UserNameRedshift Username.
PasswordRedshift Password.
Test Connection

After entering all the details, click on the Test Connection button.

If credentials are correct, a successful connection message is generated.

If you enter wrong credentials or server is down, you will get the a Connection unavailable message.


For creating a RabbitMQ connection, Select RabbitMQ from the Component Type drop-down list and provide connections details as explained below.

Component TypeShows all the available connections.Select RMQ Component type from the list.
Connection NameName of the connection to be created. For example, RabbitMQ,
HostIP address and port of the machine where RabbitMQ is running.
UserNameUsername of RabbitMQ to create connection.
PasswordPassword of RabbitMQ to create connection.
CreateClick on the create** button to create the connection.
Test Connection

After entering all the details, click on the Test Connection button, if credentials provided are correct, services are up, and running, you will get the message** Connection is available.

If you enter wrong credentials or server is down and you click on Test Connection, you will get the message Connection unavailable.


For creating a RabbitMQ connection, Select RabbitMQ from the Component Type drop-down list and provide connections details as explained below.

Component TypeShows all the available connections. Select Redis component type from the list for which the connection is to be created.
Connection NameName of the connection to be created. For example, Redis.
HostProvide the Redis host names.
PortThe port for Redis cluster.
Cache MechanismThe algorithm to be followed. i.e., Memory.
CreateClick on the create** button to create the connection.
Authentication EnabledOption to enable authentication in Redis.
UsernameUsername for Redis authentication.
PasswordPassword for Redis authentication.
SSL EnabledCheck the option to enable SSL.
Keystore Select OptionEither specify keystore file path or upload keystore file.
Upload Keystore FileUpload keystore file by clicking on UPLOAD FILE button.
Keystore File PathLocation of the keystore file.
Keystore PasswordKeystore password for the Keystore file.
Truststore Select OptionSelect Specify Truststore File Path or Upload Truststore File (in JKS Format). If option selected is Specify Truststore File Path, you will view two additional fields: Truststore File Path and Truststore Password. If option selected is Upload Truststore Path, you will view two additional fields: Upload Truststore File and Truststore Password.
Truststore File PathLocation of the Truststore file.
Truststore PasswordPassword of the Truststore file.
ADD CONFIGURATIONOption to add further configuration is available.
ADD PARAMOption to provide further environment parameters by providing key-value pair.


For creating a DBFS connection, select DBFS from the Component Type drop-down list and provide other details required for creating the connection.

Component TypeShows all the available connections. Select S3 Component type from the list.
Connection NameName of the connection to be created.
Directory PathEnter DBFS Parent Path for checkpointing.
Test Connection

After entering all the details, click on the Test Connection button.

If credentials are correct, a successful connection message is generated.

If you enter wrong credentials or server is down, you will get the a Connection unavailable message.


For creating a RDS connection, select RDS from the Component Type drop-down list and provide other details required for creating the connection.

Component TypeShows all the available connections. Select S3 Component type from the list.
Connection NameName of the connection to be created. For example, RabbitMQ.
Database TypeDatabase Type (mysql, postgresql, oracle, mssql, Amazon Aurora-Mysql, Amazon Aurora-PSSQL)
Enable SSLSelect the checkbox if SSL is enabled on RDS.
Keystore Select Option

Specify keystore path: Specify the Elasticsearch keystore file (.p12) path.

Upload keystore path: Upload the Elasticsearch keystore file (.p12) path.

Upload Keystore FileEnables to upload keystore file by clicking on UPLOAD FILE button.
Database NameName of the database.
HostHostname of RDS.
PortPortname of RDS.
UsernameUsername of the account.
PasswordPassword of the account.
CreateClick on the Create** button to create the connection.
Test Connection

After entering all the details, click on the Test Connection button.

If credentials are correct, a successful connection message is generated.

If you enter wrong credentials or server is down, you will get the a Connection unavailable message.


For creating a S3 connection, select S3 from the Component Type drop-down list and provide other details required for creating the connection.

Component TypeShows all the available connections. Select S3 Component type from the list.
Connection NameName of the connection to be created. For example, RabbitMQ.
Connect UsingUser has the option to authenticate the S3 connection with either AWS Keys or Instance Profile.
Access Key Id   AWS account access key ID.
Secret KeyAWS account secret key.
Instance ProfileAWS Instance will be used to authenticate the connection, if user selects this option to create connection.
Create ConnectionClick on the Create** button to create the connection.
Test Connection

After entering all the details, click on the Test Connection button.

If credentials are correct, a successful connection message is generated.

If you enter wrong credentials or server is down, you will get the a Connection unavailable message.


For creating an SQS connection, select SQS from the Component Type drop-down list and provide other details required for creating the connection.

Component TypeShows all the available connections. Select Component type from the list.
Connection NameName of the connection to be created.
AWS Key idS3 account access key.
Secret Access KeyS3 account secret key.
RegionAWS IOT Region.
Test Connection

After entering all the details, click on the Test Connection button.

If credentials are correct, a successful connection message is generated.

If you enter wrong credentials or server is down, you will get the a Connection unavailable message.


For creating a Salesforce connection, select Salesforce from the Component Type drop-down list and provide other details required for creating the connection.

Component TypeShows all the available connections. Select Salesforce Component type from the list.
Connection NameName of the connection to be created.
UsernameUsername of Salesforce to create connection.
PasswordPassword of Salesforce to create connection.
securityTokenSecurity token is a case-sensitive alphanumeric key that is used in combination with a password to access Salesforce via API.
Test Connection

After entering all the details, click on the Test Connection button.

If credentials are correct, a successful connection message is generated.

If you enter wrong credentials or server is down, you will get the a Connection unavailable message.


For creating a Snowflake connection, select Snowflake from the Component Type drop-down list and provide connections details as explained below.

Component TypeShows all the available connections. Select Snowflake** component type from the list.
Connection NameName of the connection to be created.
Account NameOption to enter the Snowflake account name. After entering the account name, the connection URL will get formed on its own.
Connection URLProvide the driver URL to be used.
Database NameDatabase name should be provided to access the data.
UsernameUsername of the Snowflake account should be provided.
PasswordPassword of the Snowflake account should be provided.
Keystore Select OptionOption to upload the keystore file is selected by default.
Upload Keystore FileOption to upload the keystore file.
Keystore PasswordOption to provide the password to access the uploaded keystore file.

After entering all the details, click on the TEST button.

If the connection service identification and authentication details are provided correctly, a success message stating “connection available” is generated. Click on the CREATE button to save the changes.

If the details are incorrect or the server is down, you will get a message “Connection unavailable”.


For creating a Socket connection, select Socket from the Component Type drop-down list and provide connections details as explained below.

Component TypeShows all the available connections. Select Socket** component type from the list.
Connection NameName of the connection to be created.
HostIP address of the machine where Socket is running.
PortPort of the machine where Socket is running.
CreateClick on the Create** button to create the connection.
Test Connection

After entering all the details, click on the Test Connection button.

If credentials are correct, a successful connection message is generated.

If you enter wrong credentials or server is down, you will get the a Connection unavailable message.


For creating a Solr connection, Select Solr from the Component Type drop-down list and provide connections details as explained below.

Component TypeShows all different types of available connections. Select SOLR** component type from the list.
Connection NameName of the connection to be created.
zkHostThe Zookeeper host for Solr sever.
CreateClick on the Create** button to create the connection.
Test Connection

After entering all the details, click on the Test Connection button.

If credentials are correct, a successful connection message is generated.

If you enter wrong credentials or server is down, you will get the a Connection unavailable message.


For creating a Tibco connection, select Tibco from the Component Type drop-down list and provide connections details as explained below.

Component TypeShows all the available connections. Select Tibco Component type from the list.
Connection NameName of the connection to be created.
Connection URLFor Tibco connection the driver URL should be provided.
User NameTibco account username should be provided.
PasswordTibco account password should be provided.
JNDI NamingUnchecked by default, the user can check-mark this option to provide the JNDI naming context. Upon selecting this option, provide the below details:
Initial Context FactoryProvide the initial context factory to be used for JNDI lookup.
Factory NameProvide the Factory name which is the name of the connection factory.
Enable SSLUnchecked by default, the user has an option to enable the SSL. Upon check-marking the Enable SSL option, provide the below details:
Identity Certificate

Option to choose the Identity Certificate. Choose one of the below options:

- Specify Identity Certificate Path

- Upload Identity Certificate

Note: Provide the Identity Certificate Path or Upload the Identity Certificate based on the selected Identity Certificate type.

Private Key File

Option to choose the Private Key File type. Choose one of the below options:

- Specify the Private Key File path

- Upload Private Key File

Note: Provide the Private Key File either by specifying the Private Key File path or by uploading the Private Key File based on the selected Private Key File options available in the drop down list.

Password for Private KeyProvide the password for Private Key.
Verify Host

Option to enable verification of Tibco server certificate. If

enabled the client will verify the server certificate.

If disabled, the client will establish secure

communication with the server but will not verify the

server’s identity.

Upon checking this option, provide below details:

Server Root Certificate

Select the Server Root Certificate:

- Specify Server Root Certificate Path

- Upload Server Root Certificate

Verify Hostname

Option for client to enable verification of hostname in the

CN field of the server’s certificate. If enabled the client

will verify the name specified in the “Expected

Hostname” against the server’s certificate. Else, it will

take the server’s hostname as default.

If disabled, the client establishes secure communication

with the server but does not verify the server’s name.

Expected Hostname

Option to specify expected hostname which will be used

while hostname verification.

Auth OnlyThis option specifies whether SSL should be used to encrypt all server-client communications or only for client authentication. Upon check marking this option, the client request SSL will be used only for authentication.
CreateClick on the Create** button to create the connection.
Test Connection

After entering all the details, click on the Test Connection button.

If credentials are correct, a successful connection message is generated.

If you enter wrong credentials or server is down, you will get the a Connection unavailable message.


For creating a Twitter connection, select Twitter from the Component Type drop-down list and provide connections details as explained below.

Component TypeShows all the available connections. Select Twitter Component type from the list.
Connection NameName of the connection to be created.
Consumer KeyTwitter User consumer key.
Consumer Secret KeyTwitter User consumer secret key. Consumer keys are the identity of an application owner.
Access Token

Application owners need to generate Authorization-access tokens that are used to call the Twitter API without sharing their passwords.

This is a twitter user access token.

Access Token SecretThis is a twitter user access token secret


For creating a Vertica connection, select Vertica from the Component Type drop-down list and provide connections details as explained below.

Component TypeShows all different types of available connections. Select VERTICA Component type from the list.
Connection NameName of the connection. For example, HDFS.
Database NameDatabase name to access data.
HostDatabase host name or IP address.
PortDatabase port name.
UsernameThe username of database user.
PasswordThe password of database user.
Test Connection

After entering all the details, click on the Test Connection button, if credentials provided are correct, services are up, and running, you will get the message Connection is available.

If you enter wrong credentials or server is down and you click on Test Connection, you will get the message Connection unavailable.
